Looking Forward

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Looking Forward

I am very happy to have been steered to this site. Thanks to all the people connected to the Cancer Council. I’ve been living with the knowledge of my illness for many years, surviving on my own collection of resources. After my recent decision to have palliative radiation therapy I saw that I needed to cast my net for support knowledge wider, and I rang the Cancer Council Helpline. That started a cascade of information that has taken me many months to work through, especially the network of contacts that I followed up. I have taken advantage of most of it and some is there for when my Carer and I need it. I think this website is a remarkable resource, full of potential for both reader and writer, with it’s capability to adapt and mould to the users needs, as it is doing already under the guidance of its skilled facilitators. Thanks to Felix and his Team.
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Re: Looking Forward

Hi Borderline, I also discovered this site through the Cancer Council and I have been feeling much healthier ever since! Yes, it is a remarkable resource in many different aspects, support, friendship, knowledge, release of emotions-be they good or bad. A place to go to, safe in the knowledge that someone will identify and understand how you are feeling. Thank you to the Cancer Council for recognising the need for such a website. Regards, Reindeer
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Re: Looking Forward

Couldn't agree more. This site in all of its guises has definitely helped me realise that I wasn't crazy. The support and on-line friendship was definitely out of my confort zone prior to finding(by accident) this site. It has become a true safety net for me. Thanks to the team, S
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