Medically Induced Menopause

Occasional Contributor

Medically Induced Menopause

Hi. I am hoping that someone has some advice for me! Since having my hysterectomy, I have had hot flushes and the itchy skin feeling. Has anyone tried anything natural that has helped with these symptoms? I see my oncologist again in a few weeks and we will be discussing commencement of HRT, but thought there might be something I can try in the meantime. Thank you in anticipation. Tam
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Re: Medically Induced Menopause

HI Tammy, I'm 37, and have been on HRT for 17 years with no problems at all, so take heart! It can take a bit of trial and error to find a regimen that fills your needs (I take separate oestrogen and progesterone tablets, to get the exact dose that suits me), so don't be afraid to go back to your doctor and ask them to tweak your drugs if you're not feeling great at first. I don't know much about non-supplement symptom relief, but a good pharmacist might be able to help you with that. I have seen vitamin supplements etc. for this in supermarkets, so it might be worth looking there, too. Good luck, and feel free to ask me any questions! love Emily
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Re: Medically Induced Menopause

Hi Tammy, There was an episode on Dr Oz awhile ago hat discussed natural supplements for the side effects or menopause. If you hunt it down you may find what you need. I too have surgically induced menopause and my Gyn Onc has me using Estradot patches. These are very easy to use. All ou have to do is to remember to stick a patch on your bum every three and a half days. I tried to hold out and not use HRT's because of my cancer and my family history, but the hot flushes got the better of me. Once you find what works for you, you'll be fine. From one thermostatically challenged lady to another.....take care. Leah
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