Hi there.
I had a full hysterectomy eight weeks ago due to endometrial cancer. I have had the Lynch Syndrome testing too but it came back negative. I was just a "random". I am 40 years old. My next step is to have testing for the BRCA2 gene, however I don't have any living relatives with it (my great-grantmother (early 50s), grandmother (mid 40s) and maternal aunt (late 30s) all died of breast cancer)which makes it harder, but I think I will still have it done.
Surgical menopause isn't pleasant! I won't lie. The symptoms started for me about five days after surgery. Hot flushes and insomnia were the main issues for me, but I have started HRT recently and it seems to be working well. I have a very low dose oestrogen gel (now a patch) and a higher dose progesterone pill.
Your doctor should be able to help you with managing the symptoms. My oncologist told me that we should be able to get rid of the hot flushes all together so we're trialling oestrogen patches and hopefully the flushes will go!
Aside from the symptoms, I have had mood swings, moments of tearfulness (i.e. don't look at me sideways or I will cry), and also been a bit down. Just try to remember that anything you feel is ok. It's ok to be sad/angry/hurt/upset. Whatever you do, take the time to just "feel"... whatever that is.
There are many ladies on here who will be able to help with more information that me most likely! I am relatively new to the site and cancer (only diagnosed June 2013).
I wish you the very best of luck and I hope you stay cancer free.
Tam xx
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