hi nessk...
Sorry late reply.
Also sorry to hear you have been so crook with chemo.I was the same, I did learn to cope with side effects with meds, I had Nausea, Constipation, and then my Bladder stopped working...Hospital 3 times...!!!>>>BUT, dont dispear, caz you will get really good at self medicating and preventing side effects, before they make you unwell...thats what I did...I took nausea meds BEFORE I got nausea, caz I learnt when it hit me, and I hit it FIRST!!!!...
Also, if you can manage it, drink lots of water...if you cant manage to drink, suck on ice cubes...caz that will help you flush out, and that helps your kidneys cope with flushing out the chemo, after it has done its job...
I had my Mum come over, on my bad days, after chemo...Thats great you have support.I know its hard and you like to do everything yourself, but you cant at the moment.Make the most of the help that you have and hand it over to them and just concentrate on yourself and getting better.My son is 14, he just would come and lay on my bed and chat, and this was actually a really nice intimate time for us...
No, I didn't have a masectomy, so, I can't advise there.I had a lumpectomy,but I may have the reconstruction, caz it doesn't look terrific and I feel self conscious about it...all I can say is, maybe wait until all your treatment is done, and see how you feel then about it...too much going on to decide now, maybe?..
Take each day as it comes, keep well, keep in touch and God Bless, you can do it, we are so much stronger than we think we are.
regards...Joy xoxoxoxo