Introducing myself as a new Community Member.


Introducing myself as a new Community Member.

Good morning. My name is Peregrina and I am introducing myself as a new online community member. I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer last December and have since undergone two major surgeries, a bowel resection and a liver resection. I had a portacath inserted and began the horrible journey of chemotherapy on March 8th. This week I have been diagnosed with neutropenia and a left leg DVT. My life has turned into an unpredictable, very scary whirlwind with one nasty experience after another. I don’t know how folk survive this experience and endure the chemotherapy. 🙏

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Re: Introducing myself as a new Community Member.

Hi Peregrina, I also got neutropenia sepsis at the start of my chemo treatment. Ended up in hospital for 4 days on intravenous antibiotics. It was very scary.  My chemo was adjusted and that didn’t happen again. Hope you have loved ones around you for support. Accept all the help offered. You’ll make it through 🙏💕. Linda G 

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Re: Introducing myself as a new Community Member.

Hello LindaG, it is good to hear about your similar experience gives me hope and a connection on this difficult journey. Thankyou for sharing with me 🙏

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