Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results


Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi Cindi,  still dont have much energy to get out and about just yet, hopefully not too far away. Sounds like youre a bit all over the place at the moment, i really feel for you. Next week sounds a bit daunting so i hope you can get through it without too many issues. You are right Cindi, were both better off than some people, especially young kids who are stuck in hospital, not knowing what a normal healthy life is. Like you, im missing the things that truly make me happy. Like going surfing. Theres nothing better than paddling out at an uncrowded beach in the early morning light, feeling the warm glow of the sun on my face. It really is my happy place. I will get back there one day.  I can understand why you too love the beach and the water. Keep your spirit up ok. Good luck next week. Talk soon, Greg ox

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Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi Greg,


Thank you, I'll get through it, I have to, I wont give up.


I hope you feel better soon and also get results soon, the waiting is hell isn't it.


I also hope you get back in the surf soon, the weather's getting pretty hot now would be lovely in the ocean,

something for you to look forward to.


Sending hugs,


Cindi x

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Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi @Cindi54 

So sorry to hear you are going through a terrible time with your treatments, chemo certainly knocks you around, your strong will gets you going and your great attitude so inspiring 

I wish you kindest thoughts with you next treatment 


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Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi @Jennifer66 ,


Thank you jennifer, and I hope you're feeling ok, this whole cancer thing sux doesn't it, I hope you do get your operation soon then be on the road to recovery, sometimes the worst is the indecision on what to do, it sounds like you've finally come to the conclusion that the operation is the best way to go?


If I was in your position I'd go for it, anything to extend life.


Doesn't it make the small  things that people worry become irrelevant, when we are all well enough, I think we all will appreciate the good things around us so much more and brush off the silly little things most others worry about!


I'm certainly going to, and I WILL get better and so will YOU!!


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Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi @Cindi54 

I’m  well I see my professor next week but I have not made any decisions on surgeries or treatments. Although my cancer high grade I am totally pain free I take no medications and never have other than Panadol when I’ve needed anything for stent pain. This is the reason very hard to make any decisions as I am well. Although I have had nine  surgeries in 18 months these are to change stent, laser on ureter and biopsies and as I constantly have tumours returning and new ones these are cut away, I am in hospital two nights pain free 

with what you and Richard and Greg are going through with after effects is heartbreaking,  although as my professor says my cancer serious and complex I am good which makes decisions hard to make, 

life is good 



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Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi @Jennifer66 ,

Oh yes I can totally understand why you're hesitant to have the big op with no pain at all, I hope whatever you choose to do the outcome is good, we all have to have some hope.😘


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Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi @Cindi54 

I know I don’t have options other than the major surgery as once cancer is in my body options then are chemo, pain and side affects 

professor has said we need a good talk, so I guess this will happen on Wednesday 

I don’t think about it  at all really and I’m even thankful that at night my brain has tuned off lately 

although my cancer is serious I do not go through the trauma of side  affects and pain like you and so many others do with delays as well 

my thoughts always with you 😘😘


Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi Cindi, how did things go last week, you had to speak with the professor didnt you? Gregx

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Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi @greg57 ,

Yes I saw my Oncologist before chemo, I did write a long post to Jennifer about what he told me but somehow lost the post frustratingly, but been too exhausted to try to re write it again.

The chemo just makes me get very tired and I can barely do anything and hard to eat & drink enough water which I have to to flush my kidney.

I can't believe some months back that I was so fit and going to my gym most days of the week and loving it, I feel so shattered, I hope I will get back there again before too long.

My specialist said he would need to lower one of the chemo drugs a little to try to stop it damaging my hearing and liver & kidney which I was sort of not happy with because I want it to hammer my cancer as best as possible, but it's not made much difference to how I feel unfortunately.

I guess it does mean though that it's working to battle the horrid stuff in my body.

Anyway, enough of my winging! I'll rally through, I won't let it beat me😉

How are you going?

Haven't heard from you for quite a while?

Hope you're coping with everything, hope you're ok?

Cindi x


Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Cindi its so cruel how one day life is magic, were able to do the things we love. Even going to work ( i didnt really love working ) and being useful, making some money, meeting new people, just being able to have banter with my workmates, put shit on each other, you dont realise how much you miss it until its taken away. When your life is turned upside down. I feel for everyone in our situation. Its not easy. Ive been ok, due for blood tests next week, then again in another four weeks. I then have another lot of scans, and hopfully, there is some success and the radiation has reduced the size of the tumour. If not, i dont know whats next at this stage. Ive been feeling some dull pain in the top of my leg and groin near the injection site and pins and needles in my foot, also some sharp pain in my breast when i inhale. That might be some of the dose i had in my liver has made its way to my lung, which the doctor said may happen. Its still a bit of a worry though. I shouldnt complain, sounds like you are doing it a lot tougher than me. I did get some good news though, Centrelink have approved my application for disability support, so no more stressing about having no income at all. It is such a huge weight off my shoulders. Enough about me. Take care, stay positive, you will come out the other side eventually. The gym is waiting for you Cindi. I send you lots of love and a ray of sunshine. Greg xox

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