Bi Lateral mastectomy or not?

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Bi Lateral mastectomy or not?

I have to have a mastectomy (1 breast) next week and my position has always been that if I need to have one removed then I would choose to have both removed. My mother passed away 30 yrs ago with breast cancer and my younger sister has had mastectomy and reconstruction, on hormone therapy and doing great! I wanted to connect with other women who had bi lateral (double) mastectomies because they had large breasts and didn't want to feel physically impaired. I would like to know if your decision to have both breasts removed was the right decision and why? I know this is really personal stuff and respect that, just hoping there is someone out there who might feel ok in talking about their journey with me so that I can make my decision on whether to go with my instincts and have both breasts removed or only the one with cancer present. Anyone??
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Re: Bi Lateral mastectomy or not?

I don't know if you are already on this site or not but you really need to post this question on the I have had a double mastectomy but am on the small side sorry. I have had the expander spit in and will have silicon in April. I have no regrets, have had a great recovery and my self esteem is great. If u stay positive, healthy and fit through the process and choose the right surgeon u will be fine. Good luck with your decision making
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