Bladder cancer TCC

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Bladder cancer TCC

i am a 49 year old male and was diagnosed with bladder cancer (transitional cell carcinoma) 2 years ago, my urologist was goiing to remove my bladder and sent me for a ct scan first and thats when it was found to have spread to my liver. i had a liver biopsy and it was confirmed to have metastasised from the bladder to my liver, they also found a spot on my lung. i went on chemo and the urologist decided not to take my bladder out. 18 chemos later i was found to be in remission. i had my last ct in August and was once again found to be in remission. On Oct 1st 2008 i went to work and found i could not type anything as i couldnt find the keys on the keyboard. i got in my car and drove to my oncologists offices. on ther way i was stopped by the police as i was driving with my door wide open and i only had one shoe on. they rushed me off to the oncos office. i was admitted to hospital and had a brain scan where they found a 50mm tumor on my brain. I had a craniotomy on 20th October 2008 and the tumor was complely removed. i am now recovering at home and am getting stronger every day. I am going for 9 blasts of radiotherapy starting on monday. they biopsied the tumor and it was a secondary tumor. the primary cancer being bladder cancer. who would have even guessed. i feel i have been truly blessed and thank my lucky stars. it could have been much worse.

Bladder cancer TCC

Hi slipslop, Thanks for sharing your journey and wishing you all the best with the radiotherapy. Bast wishes,Raul
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Occasional Contributor

Bladder cancer TCC

Hi Slipslop, You sure have been through some wars, you've certainly got the right attitude. How did you go with your first round of radiation. I didn't have radiation or chemo, just the operation. I'm having a few problems at the moment, a little bit of blood in the urine. I've had a urine test, see my GP for results on monday. I go back to the Mater in Newcastle on the 18th Dec,  to see my oncologist, if everything's ok, it will be twelve months before I go back, if not, on the roller coaster ride again. Wazza
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Bladder cancer TCC

Hi all, I'd like to share my journey with you. At the age of 57yrs. I was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer, Muscle Invasive/TCC. I was a very fit man, going to the gym three times a week doing a heavy workout. I'd never been sick or hospitalised before. In march 2005, I was diagnosed with TCC cancer in the bladder. The cancer had gone through the bladder wall into the muscle. I had two operations, one to remove the tumour and a second which took nearly thirteen hours to reconstruct a Neobladder, where surgeons removed 42cm of my bowel to reconstruct a new internal bladder, connecting it up to my internal plumbing. There are some changes you have to make to your life. For a new internal plumbing job, it's a small price to pay. If there is anyone out there who need answers to this procedure, please contact me, there is so much more to tell. I will answer all your question asap. Cheers, Wazza  
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Bladder cancer TCC

hi wazza reading your posts, you seem to have been through the wars yourself. i hear that that type of operation is very painful. im lucky that i have had little to no pain at all. when i had the craniotomy i dont recall getting a single injection except a blood test or two, (i freak out at the sight of a needle). the worst part was the catheter aaaargh. i also had a catheter when they did a cystoscopy in 2007 it was in for 9 days and boy was it sore when they removed it. i still cringe thinking about it. i havent started the whole brain radiation yet i get zapped this coming monday. my oncologist wants me to have a course of chemo as well aaaaargh i had taxol and carboplatinum last time and as lousy as the side effects are, it was very effective. i had a full response. like they say what doesnt kill us makes us stronger, anyway cancer is just a word, not a sentence. im sending you good vibes 
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Bladder cancer TCC

hi slipslop! my radical nerve sparing neo bladder cystectomy (sounds impressive, does'nt it?)  did'nt hurt at all, rather, it was mainly a lot of discomfort.  What gave me pain and literally the sh*ts was the fact that my bowels went on strike on the day of my hospital discharge. I've been told that I sometimes talk crap, well, the crap had only one place to exit  and that was via my mouth. I literally talked crap for about a week and lost about fourteen kilos in weight, otherwise I felt O.K.  All that added an extra week in hospital (three weeks in all.).......Speaking about catheters, I once pulled my own out, cut the little balloon part and slowly pulled it out....great party trick, but I don't think I would do it again......Enough about me.  I hope your radiation goes well on monday and   maybe another round of chemo is just what the doctor ordered!...another full response would be great. Considering what you are going through, you have a great attitude. Good vibes to you.  Wazza        
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Occasional Contributor

Bladder cancer TCC

Hi All, I've received my medical report, and things aren't working out too well for me. My TCC cancer has returned after four years. There's a mass of 38cm x 37cm x 36cm  between my neobladder and my rectum. The tumour has penetrated my neobladder causing bleeding. I've had a catheter in a few times, due to my neobladder blocking with blood clots & mucus. I feel fine, look the picture of health. My specialist are having a meeting next week to see how their going to attack this. As its secondary, it will be palliative care. I have a friend that had the same operation as me about two years prior. He's doing fine. He hasn't had a problem since his operation. No sign of cancer what so ever, and he's in the best of health. Wazza
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Bladder cancer TCC

Hi Wazza,I'm sorry to hear the news.Just wanted to say I'm ending you my best wishes. Keep us updated,Totocol
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Bladder cancer TCC

At 85 year diagnosed with bladder Tumour,at 86 Had tumour removed, do not as yet know report.From second day bled profusely, and continued for aboutFour weeks, When suddenly stopped , at this time I began to feel very weak ,and could only walk a few paces ,then completely out of breath and collapsing,was then taken off Clexane, for two weeks,before resuming Warfarin.I am now physicly useless, cannot bend down,or walk far withouthelp, this is imposible as I live alone , since my late wife died of lung cancer, three year ago.There does not seem to be any assistance available, just my GP .is treating me for multiple problems.
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Occasional Contributor

Bladder cancer TCC

I've just read your post. Things aren't going too good for you at the moment. Have you contacted the cancer help line on 131120. They can help you in so many ways. You must tell the cancer council of all your concerns, so they can get the right help for you. You shouldn't be going through this stressful time on your own. You need to ask for help. The cancer council is the first stop for you. Think about all of your needs & write them down, have that list in front of you when you ring the cancer council, so you don't forget anything. Let me know how you go, Wazza
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