I have had people ask about being positive. I know it is impossible to remain positive especially when sick from chemo or in pain, but one aspect I have discovered about myself is I NEVER doubted that chemo would work for me. I had absolute faith the chemo would work. I also knew that complementary therapies, diet and lifestyle changes was an essential part of treatment. Chemo bought me time and remission, and I now am approaching the end of chemo, the changes I have made will help to remain in remissionI also believe that cancer will never bite me on the bum again. This may be blind faith, but as a hypnotherapist ( in previous decades ) I know the value of faith is very important. That is not to say that I meditate, but my attitude is that cancer will not get me, at least not till I'm ready and that won't be till I'm 80, another 20 yearsCheers for nowDunedigger