Digestive enzyme

Occasional Contributor

Digestive enzyme

 I had Whipples surgery two years ago. I have never had digestive enzyme. I have not been very well this week, I know something has changed to cause this present situation. I cannot see a Doctor until this week. In the mean time I would like to know what digestive enzyme can do for me?  cheers Mazza            
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Digestive enzyme

Hi Mazza, Sorry to hear you've been crook! I've been taking enzymes since about 6weeks after my whipples and even tho they are non addictive,I couldn't live without them! Before starting on them,I would get very ill about 15mins after eating.Severe pain and nausea.Also cramping and constipation.When I told my oncologist she prescribed the creon (enzymes)and the symptoms virtually dissappeared sraight away.The tablets do the job our pancreas isn't in the digestion process! Hope that helps a bit,good luck and I hope you feeling better soon,Margro
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Occasional Contributor

Digestive enzyme

Hi!  Margro. Thanks heaps for the info, has helped me make an informed decision before seeing the Doctor.  Still a bit concerned that something has changed, cross that bridge next. Cheers Mazza
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Frequent Contributor

Digestive enzyme

Hi Mazza, You and I had our ops about the same time and when my 2yr anniversary came around in Sept I was totally convinced that there was something wrong!!Maybe it has something to do with actually reaching that milestone? I will keep my fingers,toes and eyes crossed for you!Good luck,Margro
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Occasional Contributor

Digestive enzyme

Thanks Margro, how I wish. Pretty much the same symptons that sent me to Hospital in January 2007. Diagnosis unkown. I have always tried to live with this illness, not live it. When something physical happens I need to deal with it. Probably just a big old bag of wind. Cheer Mazza
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Frequent Contributor

Digestive enzyme

Mazza, I know what you mean about not letting it take over!It tends to do that but we are stronger!We're female!!!!Although sometimes I think that works against us because the tendency is to just get on with it and maybe ignore something we should have had seen to earlier(at least I do!). Try the enzymes.....they can't hurt and may help!I know that one of the ladies in the phone group gets hers from the health food shop,worth a try,maybe? Good luck,I'm thinking of you,Margro
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Occasional Contributor

Digestive enzyme

It may be an idea too to check out your diet to see if anything has changed. I had a scare when I started having a different breakfast cereal and felt really unwell. Amazingly it all improved when I went back to good old porrage. But that was not before a series of blood tests and ultra sound. Even recently a packet of biscuits left me debilitated and weak for days. I won't be buying them again! Keep smiling Jan
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