Food Intake

New Member

Food Intake

I am currently 4 weeks into Radiation & Chemo and am struggling to find something that I can consistently eat to try and maintain weight, any suggestions please?

Regular Contributor

Re: Food Intake

Hi Ima, hope you’re doing ok this week. During chemo I had lots of protein drinks and mainly soft foods. Custard, rice pudding, baked beans, eggs, chicken soup etc.  Whatever you can manage to eat or drink is good. How many more weeks of treatment do you have? 💕 LindaG 

Cancer Council Team

Re: Food Intake

Hello Ima64,

Thank you very much for reaching out, I am sending you a couple of  links with information and resources  that I hope you could find helpful, to stay well nourished while having treatment.


Warm regards


Regular Contributor

Re: Food Intake

Hi Ima,


There are plenty of foods that are soft just be careful to rotate them so you don't get sick of them as that is very easy to do. Once I am sick of a particular food, I do not eat it again for a very long time.


A dietician gave me some information on a flavourless protein powder you could add to soups, drinks etc.

As my body is very sensitive to artificial colours, citric acid, salt, flavourings and preservatives, I carefully checked the ingredients of the protein powder.  I am giving the Dietician the 4 page documents that lists the ingredients and what each ingredient is.  Lucky I did.  There were 4 different types of salt in it, a chemical concoction that was frightening as well as citric acid. The names of the ingredients were nothing you could actually understand.  Normally, if a Dietician recommends something or a nurse, I have learned to be very careful.  Not all advice is good so do your own research.


I hope things get easier for you and good luck on your journey.

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