
Occasional Contributor


 I am okay, on the improve. Diagnosed with gastric reflux. I was prescribed (think it was) pariet before leaving hospital I was vomitting my daily food and liquid intake about 5.00p.m every day. Tried to tell them it was the tablet. This continued when I returned home so I just stopped taking them. That was an allergic reaction. Most of the other available medication was related to pariet. I cannot take maxalon either, left side of my face semi paralized. At present trying a new medication called Tazac for reflux, so far so good. Will be trying Creon when chemist gets them in. Morale of this story, don't think the worst. Look further. Had a lovely chat with Doctor on Thursday about not treating people by the book. He took it well and appreciated my humour about keeping him on his toes. Good when you can say these things to a good Doctor. Cheers Mazza
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Frequent Contributor


Hi Mazza, that's great!!!I take pariet but obviously not everything works the same on everyone. I found the easiest thing to do with the creon is to ring my chemist the day b4 I'm going in as he only gets it in 4 me. Good Luck and well done on the good news! Margro
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