Hi Everyone. Thanks for replying and your advice. Since writing the original POST last year I have turned 35 (Nikki, i too forget my age all the time), completed 5 weeks of radiation and today started my 4th chemo. 2 more to go, Woo! I'd lost my hair, funnily i found loosing the last eyelash to be distressing. I'm happy to say eyelashes, eyebrows and hair grew back when i was going through radiation. I may loose a little bit during the chemo I've got left but it doesn't bother me this time.
One bit of knowledege that I want to impart is to learn as much as you can about the cancer you have, plan and do whatever you kind yourself and lastly be kind to yourself.
For example, I was doing a jojoba oilation after my showers everyday before the surgery so that my wounds could heal better and continued afterwards. I booked in to cut my hair short and then 4 weeks later booked in for a super pixie cut and a few weeks later shaved it all off. Treat yourself to extravagant things and not feel guilty about it. It could be anything from persian ferry floss to a pair of dynamite books. ( i treated myself to both on saturday and I still have no regrets) I found this to be so empowering.
I define this journey, the cancer doesn't define my journey.
It is wonderful to have the opportunity to connect with young adults. Thank you for sharing your experience