Recently diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma

Occasional Contributor

Recently diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma

I have been recently diagnosed and I am having hormone treatment rather than surgery for a variety of reasons. Wondering if anyone out there has had successful treatment like this.
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Re: Recently diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma

Hi MGS I had 3 mths with Mirena and 400mgs Provera a day as I had risks re anasthetic acc to to GO. But while I was told it had 60-70% chance of success it didn't work so in the end I had to have laproscopic radical hyster. There were no complications and no further treatment needed but cancer did grow but still was only grade 1 luckily. I hope you are luckier re hormone route and remember my experience is just that, mine. I think the 3 mth wait to see if it worked plus headaches, nausea and weight gain from provera were pretty wearing so hope you have few side effects. Best wishes GHT
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Starting radiation soon - any tips

I am starting radiation treatment soon - external and internal. Any tips?
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Re: Recently diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma

Hi MGS I was diagnosed 7 weeks ago with endometrial carcinoma grade 1, stage 1a. Currently on Mirena and 3 monthly dilation/curettages as I am not a good candidate for surgery. How is your treatment going??
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Recently diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma

Hi Jesigirl87,


Well I have 3 more external radiation treatments to go (woo hoo) and then 3 brachytherapy (internal) and then I'm done.  So far I've only had fatigue, one bout of diahorrea and some abdominal cramping.  Not too bad at all 🙂


Hope your treatment works out for you.   It kept mine at the same level for 1 year before they decided to go the next step and move to radiation.  They tell me there is a really good chance (more than 70%) that this will cure it.  I hope so 🙂

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