Tongue cancer and not rebuilding

Occasional Visitor

Tongue cancer and not rebuilding

My partner has been diagnosed with cancer on the tongue and a surgeon has suggested to not rebuild the tongue but everything you hear or see online the tongue has been rebuilt with a muscle. Is there anyone that hasn’t had there tongue rebuilt and been done ? 

Very worried it will affect day to day life more if it’s not rebuilt.. please share your experience. 

Super Contributor

Re: Tongue cancer and not rebuilding


What did you decied to do?

How everything now?


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Re: Tongue cancer and not rebuilding

I don't have any experience but I did notice on larger overseas messageboards the reason given for not rebuilding is that doing so wouldn't restore the patient's ability to talk and eat, either because of the amount which had to be removed or the location.

That said, the only people who can answer why rebuilding isn't being considered in your partner's case are his treating doctors. It's definitely something you should ask them and they really should have explained why without having to be asked.
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