Travel to Chemo


Travel to Chemo

Hi Another question I seem to be always asking question but I guess thats how you find out. Question.. Anybody out there have to travel to a city every month to recieved their Temordol Chemo tablets rarsie
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Re: Travel to Chemo

Not quite sure what you mean rarsie. We go to a hospital not far from home and get a prescription from the dr. there. We can then either choose to get the chemo from pharmacy at the hospital or any chemists outside the hospital. The main thing seems to be around the dr. getting an authorisation code and write up a prescription.
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Re: Travel to Chemo

Hi Peanutz We have to travel 7 hours for the doctor to give the precription to us and then we bring the tablets home. rarsie
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Re: Travel to Chemo

Ahh I forgot that you live in a small town but I didn't think it's 7 hours from the city. Does the doctor know that it takes you that long for you to come and see him/her and you need a better arrangement? I heard the drug is actually very expensive. Because it is subsidised by the government, they perhaps put in a place a tight control for someone to get access. What appeared to me that our doctor had to ring up to get authorisation code each time he write a prescription for this drug is part of the stupid control.
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Re: Travel to Chemo

Hi Rarsie I don't know where you are nor can I offer any alternative suggestions to your travel. However, if you are in N.S.W. (or find a similar scheme in another state if you are not) you may be eligible for transport subsidies: Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS) But I think your situation is appalling and there must be some simpler alternative - I do hope you find one. If necessary call your state or federal health member and let them help you. Good blessings, Pamela 🙂
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Re: Travel to Chemo

Hi peanutz, yes it is easy 7 hours away, yes and the doctor gets the authorisation then hands me the tablets, we fly to and from which is only 2 hrs each way but my argument and may I say the local doctor here is the expense for Q Health to fly 2 people to and from would it not be better if the tablets were given out here as he has the Brain Tumor Ongoligist in Brisbane who we see every 3 mths. Cant see the point when every one would gain especially us as we then have accomadation expenses and so on cheers rarsie
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