
Occasional Contributor


Hi everyone,

I just had my first injection of Zoladex today...

I completed my chemo and radiation for breast cancer last May and my period recently returned after more than a year. my oncologist recommended I take Zoladex with tamoxifen to suppress my ovarian function (reduce estrogen to cancer cells)

is anyone taking this? And can you share your experience with it.....There seems to be so many side effects but the oncologist explained that the results are far better with it than without.

Super Contributor

Re: Zoladex

Hi Tarari,


Congratulations on completing the chemo and radiation treatment!

I don't have any experience taking this, but I just wanted to congratulate you on finishing the chemo!

Hopefully someone will be along soon who can share with you their experience and knowledge.




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Occasional Visitor

Re: Zoladex

Hi Tarari

I hope you are going ok. There is so little information about the actual timeline of side effects for zoladex out there. I started Zoladex a few weeks ago and have had terrible leg and hip bone pain. I have also had trouble sleeping and my emotions are all over the place. I am hoping this settles down. May I ask how your side effects are going? I just started radiation and I will start tamoxifen once radiation treatment is finished. All the best 

New Contributor

Re: Zoladex

Hi I have breasr cancer, had mastectomy,went on tamoxifen and had trouble coping with the foggy brain.Specialist took me off and now wants me to go on Zoladex. Im still deciding what I'm going to do.I wish you all the best in your decision.

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