Hi Missy Moo,
When I finished treatment that was exactly how I felt, particularly as my husband believed that now it was all over everything would go back to the way it was. It never does ,however.
That was when I found this site and realised after reading other people's experiences that I actually wasn't crazy.
I returned to work - probably about a month too early as i returned to High School teaching effectively full time 4 weeks after treatment finished. The good thing was that it did bring me out of the self-centred nature of chemo and I had to go back to students and my own kids and just dealing with day to day stuff.
In saying that, the limbo feeling has never quite left as my attitude to life is so different so I view even the normal things differently. And life still revolves around tests and dealing with the neuropathy in my feet everyday as reminders. My tests are every 6 months now, so the ability to feel "norma" is being stretched a little further.
I didn't have any counselling when I finished and regret it. It is something that I feel quite strongly about in that we are so absorbed with what the cancer and what the treatment does to us that when we are cut loose we flounder.
In short (via my ramblings) - you are perfectly normal!!
My advice is to talk to others either professional or via cancer connect and try to re-establish yourself bit by bit.
Take care, Samex
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