Hi Sailor,
I had both drugs - not sure if it was folfox 6or7 and oxaliplatin. I found that by the 9th or 10th cycle (of 12) I had very limited feeling in my fingers and it often extended to my hands. My feet have been a longer standing problem. I finished treatment in April 2008 and I still have a loss of feeling in my toes, particularly when I exercise, ironically.When the neuropathy kicked in, my feet were very sore and I was only able to wear "sensible" shoes. Massage helped.
With my hands I had great difficulty with anything requiring fine work and my hands also shook quite badly for the days after treatment. I was making beaded jewellery and wasn't able to continue, for example. This tended to coincide with the neuropathy that can occur in your throat - a sensitivity to cold. Didn't have anything over room temperature for 6 months!
I have operated on the theory that I may have been left with this residual neuropathy but it is a better option than the alternative.
I'm not sure what kind of tactile work your friend does but I found that the fatigue was a far greater impediment to working than the neuropathy. I am a teacher and after a month I was incapable of working at all. Lots of nanna naps instead.
Hope that my experience has been of some help. The neuropathy seems to be very individual in its effects, however.
My best wishes to your friend and the difficult decision they are making,
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