Hi Lisa,
My name is Veronica. I am 31 (just turned 31 in Jan) and I also just lost my husband, Simon (36) to GBM in Oct 2009. It's hard...
We met when I was 18 and have never been apart until now. We have a 7.5 months old son together and I am terrified of the future!!!
Lisa, I am soooo comforted to have read your post - I now know I am not alone (felt like it though). I try to smile, I try to get on with things, I try to breathe but it all takes a lot of effort. I know what you mean about friends and family going back to their own lives. It's lonely out there but I feel bad asking them to stay a little longer.
I am feeling so many things at once that it is hard to differentiate them. I like to constantly talk about Simon because it makes me feel good but I know people are looking at me strange. Why should they feel uncomfortable when it is me who is grieving?
Lisa, I hope we can be in touch. I hope we can help one another somehow. I hope we can both heal and learn to smile and laugh again. I want to take a full breath of fresh air without feeling the tightness in my chest.
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