I have just been given the devastating news on Wednesday that I have a precancerous syst in my pancreas and that I need a wipples op or a cancer will develop , after heading to the doctors with lower back pain in November 2015 .
From what I have found out so far it's one of the most dangerous operations anyone can have and recovery is very tough , the surgine haven't ruled out founding cancer in the syst after it is removed or that has spread to the rest of the pancreas .
I have survived colon cancer op and chiro 6 years ago but now this sounds much worst than that and that we pretty dam owful . I also have PTSD from the BlackSaturday firestorm as was a first response firefighter in the king lake area.
I'm looking to talk to anyone who has had the wipples op and had no cancer found in the post op biopsy , where should be as many people around who have not had cancer after the op as who has had it but I Im finding it hard to locate any . The surgery has said I have a 85% chance there is no cancer . So that should mean that there are more people who have had the surgery and not had cancer right ?
Also what can I do to help my family deal with this second cancer ?
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