August 2017
Hi Nath250
It seems like the past few months have been like a very unpredictable rollercoaster ride for you and the leg pain you’re experiencing sounds very difficult and distressing. I hope your medical team are continuing to investigate and able to discover the cause of the pain so that it can be treated and give you some relief. Does anyone else in the community have any insights from their own experiences to offer Nath250?
Nath250, you may also find talking with the health professionals on 13 11 20 of benefit, they can talk with you about your current situation and support services that may be helpful to you.
Kind Regards
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March 2017
Hi bravesthuman
I’m so sorry about your relatives’ recent prognosis which must have been so very upsetting for you to hear. There are so many challenges and emotions for you to face as you undergo your own cancer treatment and to also have to face the loss of someone close to you must be very distressing.
It’s so important for you to be supported at this time and it’s great that you have reached out to the Online Community.
Another service that Cancer Council NSW offer that may be helpful to you is our Counselling service. Speaking with one of our counsellors who can offer you individualised support may be a valuable addition to other existing supports you have.
You can access this service by calling the health professionals on the 13 11 20 support line who can also assist you with other cancer information and support that may be beneficial.
Alternatively, you can contact the Counselling Service directly on 1800 734 398. If the call is not answered immediately, please leave a message and the team will get back to you.
Take care and warm regards
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March 2017
Hi Panther67
It sounds like you’ve been having a really tough time with so many excisions of dysplastic nevi and a diagnosis of melanoma. It’s understandable that you have been feeling anxious and scared. It sounds like you are doing all the right things to ensure any changes are picked up early though. Having regular skin checks by a qualified specialist as well as knowing and checking your own skin for any changes is critical to early diagnosis and treatment.
There is a wonderful organisation called Melanoma Patients Australia who offer a number of support services specific to melanoma. These include Support Groups, Peer to Peer support and counselling. They can be contacted on 1300 88 44 50 or you can follow the link below to explore their services.
Cancer Council also offer a number of support services that you may find helpful. On the home page of this Online Community you can find links to services in other States as well as National programs.
Cancer council Perth have many similar programs to Cancer Council NSW and the link below takes you to information about their counselling and support services.
You can also call the 13 11 20 helpline number and you will be connected to the Cancer Council of the State you are calling from.
Take care and kind regards
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March 2017
Hi Keri
It’s good that you have the appointment with the oncologist on Friday. You might find it helpful to write down any questions/concerns you have to take with you. In times of stress we often struggle to remember all that we want to ask and this can be a very helpful strategy. Definitely discuss palliative care, it is so much more than end of life. It involves looking at all the needs of the patient and also involves supporting the family and carers.
On the home page of this Online Community you can find links to services in other States as well as National programs.
Cancer council Perth have many similar programs to Cancer Council NSW and the link below takes you to information about their counselling and support services. When you are connected with the right person, you may discover you open up more than you think.
You can also call the 13 11 20 helpline number and you will be connected to the Cancer Council of the State you are calling from.
Take care
Kind Regards
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March 2017
Hi Keri
I am very sorry to hear about your mum’s cancer diagnosis. It must be very difficult to see your mum experiencing so much discomfort and pain. I’m wondering if your mum has been assessed by a palliative care team. Palliative care is not just about end of life but about improving quality of life and trying to ensure people are as pain free and comfortable as possible. You (or another family member) may want to talk to your Mum’s treatment team to discuss her current chemotherapy and engaging with palliative care.
As well as dealing with your mum’s diagnosis, it sounds like you are trying to do a great deal and it’s understandable that you are feeling overwhelmed. Cancer Council NSW have a number of services that may be helpful to you.
You may find it helpful to speak with an individual counsellor. Our counsellors have extensive experience working with cancer patients, family and friends and you can access 6 sessions either via telephone or face to face.
We also have a Telephone Support Group (TSG) for people caring for someone with cancer. The TSG provides an opportunity to regularly talk with others in a similar situation so that experiences, information and coping strategies are shared.
Both of these services can be accessed through calling the health professionals on the 13 11 20 support line who can also assist you with other cancer information and support that may be beneficial for you at this time.
Alternatively, you can contact the Telephone Support Group on 1300 755 632 and the Counselling Service on 1800 734 398. If the call is not answered immediately, please leave a message and the team will get back to you.
Take care and kind regards
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