October 2018
2 Kudos
Hi Marjorie, firstly a huge welcome to our group. A very good question indeed and one which I too have asked and continue too ask.as I continue on my journey as I call it. After my episodes with Malignant Solitary Fibrous Tumours, I have not been able to find an answer, I think maybe I have a purpose to fulfil which as yet is undefined and yet to be clearly revealed. Keep asking your questions Marjorie, look for reasons and in the meantime enjoy each and every moment you have been given as each one is precious. For me it is time I get to spend with loved ones, my friends, gardening, writing, exploring places I haven’t seen, revisiting my childhood favourite places, rekindling old friendships building new ones, there is just so much to see and do. I have been giving this time and I am using it as best I can. You are not alone. Warm regards Steven
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June 2018
2 Kudos
Hi Jo, That is fantatsic news I am so happy for you and your family. Enjoy every minute of every day, even the bad days are still a blessing. Steve
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May 2018
3 Kudos
Softly soothing The aches and pains Caressing and de-stressing Releasing the toxins within. Sending them to who cares where Gentle slender hands Working the bunched muscles Calming the bodies woes. Sound of music relaxing the mind Aromatic scents cleansing the senses Drifting beyond this realm Deep within yourself. Guided by the skilful Led to an inner world Of peace, calm , tranquility That which we can seek and find. The changing colours behind the eyes Yellow so bright Blue so clear Purple, lilac too. Who are these angles with the skills to cleanse Slowly re-surfacing Embrace the day Refreshed , relaxed. January 2016. (dedicated to those gifted in the art of relaxation and healing)
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May 2018
Hi Jode, I am not too bad thank you. Just take each day as it comes seems to work for me at the present. Take care Cheers Steve
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May 2018
2 Kudos
Hi Jode, Agreed the waiting is very stressful and at times all consuming, I don't know how you are feeling but I do know how I felt when I had 3 recurrences. The beauty of this Community is that you are not alone and there is support and help available. Stay strong, but tears are fine as well. Wishing you all the best a fellow traveller. Steve xo
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May 2018
I agree entirely Braveb. We all need to be reminded how beneficial staying positive is for us, in continuing our treatment and recovery from Cancer. Positive thoughts and deeds are empowering not just for us but for our support teams, our loved ones. While it is our journey they are there with us and by staying positive we can draw strength from each other to lessen the load.
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