May 2022
Thank you, I notice the older I get the more I'm becoming like my mum, which is something to be proud of. Thanks for your kind words.
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May 2022
Thank you, I'm sorry you went through something similar. Sorry you lost your dad.
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March 2022
Hi, My mum passed away 2 weeks today and i feel nearly exactly like you do. She had a long battle with cancer until 5 weeks ago when were told that there was no more treatment and just make here "comfortable". My mum was my person, my best friend, my anchor. People keep checking on me and asking if i'm ok and i mostly am, it feels weird to not be balled up in the corner sobbing for such a loss, but i have 2 kids and run a business and you kind of just have to keep going. I agree that your brain sort of blocks it away for you somehow, until you're ready or something. I have had a few sad moments here and there, but I feel like I'm still in shock - or like I can just drop into her house tomorrow and she'll be there... Death is such a strange thing to process. Just take your time and be gentle with yourself. one day at a time. one moment at a time. I have been writing letters to my mum when i want to tell her something and putting them in a box - i may burn these all at a later date but maybe that's something you could do that might help get some feelings out? best of luck moving forward X
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March 2022
Hi, I think it's totally ok not to cry. The night my mum passed away I was there and I didn't cry - I think I was in shock. I think it takes time for things like this to really sink in, especially if you were really close with the person. I'm finding that because we knew our mum was going to die, we handled it better than if it was say out of nowhere like a car accident or something. It sounds like you and your Dad have your hands full, caring for your brother is probably a good distraction during this sad time. I hope things get better for you, if you start to get real sad just reach out to your family or friends, it might hit you when you least expect it. all the best X
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March 2022
2 Kudos
My mum lost her battle with cancer on 16th Feb, 2022. She was 76 years old. She passed away surrounded by her children, not in pain we were told thanks to morphine, in palliative care in hospital. Her first cancer diagnosis was in 2005 for breast cancer, she had a full mastectomy, chemo that made her really sick and lost her hair and lots of radiation, then was in remission until 2016. In 2016 around the birth of my first son, she was re-diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer stage IV. That felt like a real kick in the guts, we were devastated, there's no other way to describe that, but we soldiered on together, she started more chemo treatment and regular check-ups, CT scans and she had one round of radiation and it was day by day, week by week. Then last year in October, 2021, Just before my second baby turned 1, we were told her cancer spread to her gallbladder and the peritoneum and that it was very aggressive but there was still one more chemo to try, so she did. Mum was such a fighter. She never complained, not once. She just got on with things. This chemo was nasty though. FUCK CANCER. I have screamed, I have punched walls. I have been raising 2 kids, caring full time for my mum and running a business from home. I did what I could for mum. She stopped driving. She stopped walking. I was watching her slowly slip away. I'm grateful that I did things she loved to do with her and sat and talked with her when she needed it until she couldn't even open her eyes on her last day. In late January the ascites started in her abdomen and we were told that the chemo wasn't working and Mum had life expectancy of weeks to maybe months from there. She died just shy of 3 weeks from that last meeting we had with the oncologist. The Oncology staff, hospital staff and palliative care team were all amazing, such caring, wonderful people. My mum loved reading, puzzles, cinema, gardening, stitch-work, her kids and grandkids, singing in public places when she heard a song she knew and her dog Bo. We all miss her terribly and there is this huge hole in our family that just can't be filled. She leaves behind 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. If anyone reading this has a loved one going through a similar cancer and wants to ask questions or talk I'm happy to reply to you. X
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August 2021
Hello, Yes my husband and I are both vaccinated and not in a place with any covid cases atm. We wear a mask if near mum and are being as careful as we can be. Stay safe out there!
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August 2021
Thank you for your kind words. Given what's happening with the Delta outbreak my husband and I are getting tested every week to make sure we're being as safe as we can for her. X
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August 2021
Thank you for sharing with me. I'm sorry you had to go through that with both parents. I will definitely remember to ask the oncologist about the drain etc. Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers. Peace be with you in this crazy world x
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August 2021
2 Kudos
Thank you for the tip on the drains. Her port is going in Tuesday next week. Wishing you and your hubby all the best too.
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August 2021
Hi all My amazing mum had breast cancer 2004, went into remission until 2016. She has been living with and being treated for stage 4 metastatic breast cancer... But now she has cancer of the gallbladder and it has spread to the peretoneum which I understand is aggressive and doesn't have a good prognosis. I'm devastated, she is having a port put in to start intravenous chemo asap. Has anyone else gone through something similar? Just wanting to chat with anyone.
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