Dear Jubbly, I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a GIST on the top of my stomach last July after complaining of pain in my chest and a cough for over 2 years. Blood tests, endoscopy, heart tests were all normal then I followed my "gut feeling" and saw another gastroenterologist at RNSH who ordered an abdominal ultrasound before doing another endoscopy and suddenly I was having this surgery. It was quite scary not knowing much about it. and when I got the malignant diagnosis I was grateful that it had been found almost by accident before it got even larger or spread. Because it is so rare I was not given much information and have been doing my own research. It has made me very tired and I am about to try some acupuncture to strengthen my whole system. I still get days when I get quite scared especially before my first follow up scan but mindfulness meditation has helped so much. Hope you are doing well now.
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