July 2021
Sorry - typo - I mean't that I DON'T feel a need to tell people about my cancer.
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July 2021
1 Kudo
Hello, I was diagnosed Stage 3 throat cancer in January 2020, subsequently did the 3 chemo (Cisplatin) and 35 radiation. I am 57 but was quite fit (cancer aside) and worked in a very busy management job that I loved. My job is not physical in any way, just requires high level analytical work. My employer was fantastic to me - allowed me to set my own pace and determine what I needed. I continued to work for the first 3 weeks of treatment and then stopped completely. I returned in part time capacity at 7 weeks post treatment, 20 hrs a week, then increased back to full time over the next 2 months. I recognised immediately that my hearing damage from Cisplatin was a bit of a problem in group meetings. I adjusted my previous "multi-tasking style" to ensure that I am fully listening to the speaker. I move myself in the meeting room so that I am in the best position. Just 5 months after returning to work, I was given a significant promotion. I was delighted because it reinforced to me that I had not lost any of my capability. (Yes, my ego is a little fragile that way). Did I have to return to work so quickly? Not at all - I could have extended my leave, taken early retirement. But I knew I was not ready for that. I enjoy my work very much and I want to retire on my own timeframe. (Covid restrictions probably helped that decision because my retirement dreams are largely focussed on travel). Am I different? I like to think that I look and act the same in the workplace but it's probably not true. I still put in a lot of hours but not as much as before cancer. I don't stress as much and I am much more confident in my decision making. In terms of my personal life, I do give more time to my family (long and regular phone calls). I wake up every day knowing how very lucky. I don't sweat the small staff as much and frankly, I do more things now "just because I want to". I am back in control of my life. Hardest thing I faced? Just the other day, I heard a group talking about the hardest thing they ever faced in life. My total and immediate first thought was "Divorce". Which is funny because I was divorced 8 years ago and have been remarried for almost 4 years. Then my second thought was "Oh yeah, I had cancer too". I think that speaks volumes about me. Cancer does not define me, I don't wear t-shirts, no cancer tattoo, I am not the "Cancer poster girl" in the work place. No one looking at me would know I was stage 3 last January. When I meet new people, I feel a need to tell people about it. If it became relevant later, I would happily share but otherwise, it just would not come up in conversation. Everyone is different of course. My resilience was born in a difficult childhood. I learned very early in life to "just get on with it". It's not the way for everyone, but it works for me. Angela
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July 2021
3 Kudos
Hello, thank you for the reply. It came as such a surprise because my post was a year ago and my situation has changed so much since then. I am very happy to tell you that I subsequently healed completely, can eat and drink anything now. My tastebuds are probably 90% and I enjoy spicy food more than ever. My salivary functions are not fabulous, but I don't have to carry a water bottle with me literally everywhere anymore. I returned to working full time in a very busy job that I love and in fact was promoted to a higher role only 5 months later. I have no signs of cancer (I alternate between ENT and Oncologist every 8 weeks). I am a very lucky woman and never forget it. Have a great day. Angela
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June 2020
1 Kudo
Hi Budgie, thanks for your reply. I am probably being unrealistic expecting it all to be healed by now. I hope all is going well for you. Angela
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June 2020
1 Kudo
Hello, it is now 9 weeks since my treatment for throat cancer finished (3 chemo plus 35 radiation). I have recovered very well in all aspects except for ongoing mouth pain. In particular my tongue and back of throat are still very sore and irritated. I eat all meals (PEG removed 3 weeks ago) but my diet has to remain very bland as I cannot manage anything that is even slightly spicy or acidic. It is becoming harder to maintain my body weight. I thought that my mouth and throat would be fully healed by now but that is not the case. It would be super helpful if others who had similar treatment can advise me of their experiences re healing of their mouth and throat. Thanks in advance, Angela
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June 2020
Thank you for your kind words. I am still losing a LOT of hair each day (possibly made worse by my under-active thyroid). However in the last week I am seeing signs of new hair growth coming through at last. I know it is just hair but it is still very nice to see it coming back! thank you Angela
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June 2020
1 Kudo
Hi Tony, I think about my hair loss because it distracts me from thinking about the really big problem of whether or not my treatment has actually worked. I have a PET scan in July and that should reveal the truth. But regardless of that I am going to hairdresser today to get what remains cut short. I work in corporate role and have to look at least tidy and professional. thank you Angela
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June 2020
HI Shane I am continuing to do well. Now working 30 hrs per week in my usual job. I had PEG removed last Friday which makes me feel like a normal person. My hearing continues to be a little muffled. Conversations with humans are ok (unless too many people) but I notice a lot of tv shows are quite unclear. Turning up volume doesn't help at all. I have decided that a lot of people on tv shows mumble! I have a referral to an audiologist in a couple of weeks though have no idea how they could help. My specialist says my hearing could still get better, get worse, remain unchanged. I figure I will just have to live with that particular side effect. I attempted my first run this week and quickly discovered that the dry mouth/lack of saliva is a big problem. I will have to buy a backpack that holds water. Or a bottle belt thingy. I am still a work in progress but overall, I feel optimistic and well. I am medication free, sleep well at night, eat nutritious meals and drink a lot of water (especially with meals). Hope all is going ok with you. Angela
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June 2020
1 Kudo
Hello, I am now almost 8 weeks since I finished treatment. I had chemo x 3 (Cisplatin) plus 35 radiation. It was all targeted at my lower jaw (soft palate, tongue, tonsil etc). My hair along the base of my skull and up a fair way of my skull all fell out and is still completely bare. Additionally I am still losing alarming amount of hair in the other areas on my head. It is becoming thinner by the day and I am getting seriously concerned. Can anyone else who had similar treatment please tell me if their hair did grow back after radiation? How long did it take to start re-appearing? Any suggestions re assisting hair growth? Tips? Anything at all will be helpful. Many thanks, Angela
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