Hi Jessica, an amazing person you are for thinking outside the box and seeking information. I have a colleague who is in the same boat as well as I am currently diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment. A few comments that can help your friend: Try not to treat them like a lost cause dont give them puppy dog eyes and constantly ask how they are, but still be compassionate. They still want to be treated as normally as possible. she will be scared and unsure what the future holds so be aware of that. you can provide practical gifts if you wish that will help. Things like soft beanies for when and if she loses her hair, lip balm, soft and gentle shampoos (moo brand is good), advise that their is a wig service and feel good service available as well as cancer council offers free holiday getaways (maybe you can go with her between treatments), lots of salty snacks, a book called f you cancer is a good read, encourage her to gargle with salt water every night to avoid mouth ulcers (this is all based on that she will have some sort of immunotherapy, chemo or radiation therapy), I engaged with a naturopath to help me bounce back quicker between treatments but it’s not for everyone. All you can do is be there for when she asks but try not to push yourself on them. Some people like space. regardless you have done the right thing. Good luck and here if you have any questions.
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