August 2020
1 Kudo
Just read your post and it's so similar to what I'm going through. It's been exactly one month since my mom passed away from stomach cancer and it's been so painful. She was only 58 and the healthiest person I've ever known. I'm 25 and during my whole life she's been my one and only best friend. The relationship we had was so close and it's so hard to think that I'm not going to see her anymore. Thoughts of regret come and go daily, I wonder if I could have done things differently to make her feel better or if I could have been a better daughter to her. I have tried to do painting as a hobby as it has distracted me. However, I think it's time now for me to stop keeping all of these feelings inside and actually seek for a professional's advise as I can't cope with this on my own. I don't actually have an advise for you but I think it should be good for you to talk to someone that can actually guide you through all of this and even though she's not with you, her love for you will never fade away
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August 2020
All the best for you and I hope you can overcome this, sending all the light and love towards your way
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July 2020
Hi, my mom has stomach cancer as well. Unfortunately for her they discovered it way too late. However, when she was getting her first few sessions of chemo, I used to give her blended oatmeal with water which can be refreshing for them and soothing for their stomach, this can also give them lots of energy as well. Any juices but homemade like pear, Apple, strawberry can also be good, I usually mix this with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal to make it like a "protein shake", this can help for when they don't really seem to have any appetite. As for soups, I boil a little piece of meat or chicken, along with a few potatoes, then blend it all, they don't have to eat the whole bowl of soup, with just a few tablespoons throughout the day, it can be good for when they don't really want anything else. I hope it helps and wish you and your mom the best.
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July 2020
1 Kudo
9 months ago my mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer. The doctors told her it has been going on for 10 years! Now, what I thought it could be a light at the end the tunnel, by all the treatments she had done and by how well the doctors used to talk about her has completely disappeared, they now said she had terminal cancer and it's unbearable to see how she just gets weaker every day. I don't know how to handle this anymore. I can't stand losing her. It's so hard to come to terms with her leaving me and thinking about the time I spent with her as just a lovely memory. I don't want to say goodbye, I'm not prepare to see her go. I don't know what else to do, I want to have my old mom back, I want to do all the things we used to do. I know I have to stay hopefull but it's so hard to hear that she wants to give up.
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