August 2020
2 Kudos
Hello, I hope the biopsy went smoothly. It is perfectly natural to feel scared of just about everything in this situation. That fear may never fully go away. It hasn't for me, and I've been fighting my diagnosis for over a year and a half. Just make sure you eat plenty of healthy food and drink enough fluids to keep you physically and mentally strong for the fight. As far as cures, I obviously don't have one, otherwise I wouldn't be on here. However, I have been supplementing traditional treatment (which I am on a sort of forced hiatus from) with a suggestion from my veterinarian, of all people, which is a daily dose of CBD oil and 700mg Panacur (a dog dewormer), a caplet of turmeric, two caplets of vitamin E daily for four days in a row, then three days off, weekly. I won't know if this has had any affect on my cancer cells until after my upcoming CT, but from where I stand with a late-stage diagnosis, it can't hurt to try. Wishing you the best!
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August 2020
2 Kudos
Early last year I was diagnosed with stage 3 uterine cancer, and immediately began chemo and radiation treatments. Immediate side effects included "unimportant" things like weight loss (i was overweight) and hair loss. Side effects that showed up later, however, were way more serious. Low blood counts that landed me in the hospital and caused cardiac arrest and an irreparable fistula between my colon and vaginal canal, to name a few. Mid summer of last year, after treatments were complete. I was declared to be in remission. Early this year, the cancer was back and had spread slightly, I still have to keep a close eye on my blood counts and occasionally have to have blood transfusions. Between that and a few other reasons, my care team and I have decided to forgo another round of radiation, and have been looking toward clinical trials. Thanks to COVID, new trials have been brought to a halt for I don't know how long, and I have been going without any traditional treatment for months. In the mean time, I have been taking Panacur four days a week and a CBD oil and turmeric regimin daily on the suggestion of a friend-of-a-friend who had luck with it halting and reversing the spread of her tumor. I am aware that it could all be snake oil, but currently I feel fine. I have more energy than I've had in a while. No harm, no foul, right? I have a CT scan coming up shortly, and then I will know where I stand as far as my cancer goes, The next step in traditional treatment would be doing a round of Keytruda (Pembro). I am terrified to try this avenue, because many of the possible side effects listed for Keytruda are the same as side effects i've already had from previous treatment, from minimal to severe. Has anyone tried Keytruda? What has your experience with it been like? Thank you ❤️
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