November 2020
2 Kudos
Hi there, you may be able to find more support online if you try, do a keyword search and see what pops up? Grief/Bereavement/Grieving/Death Cafes (yes such a thing exists) etc. Or perhaps also start up a group on there for your specific region? Best Wishes
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November 2020
Please look up also Grief/Bereavement Counselors in your region, they could really help you. And if you feel like you're needing more mental health support, also ask counselors if there are any 12-Stop Social or Mutual Support Groups that can help you out. may also provide links to support groups for you. I've found many on there. Best wishes - CMS
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November 2020
1 Kudo
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble, you may wish to look up a Grief/Bereavement Counselor in your city/region - maybe someone to check-in with weekly/fortnightly? They could help you process the grief but also give you support for moving forward and being able to feel OK with leaving the house, developing social activities etc. I empathise as I've had some pre-Grief with a family member dealing with cancer treatment right now. Best wishes and take care - CMS2020
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August 2020
Thanks, I'm sorry you're going through it too. Yes a big shock, it put me in an emotional tailspin for about 6 weeks, I've only just started to adapt / recover this week. However, it was one that was caught early and is highly treatable and so far she's responding well to early treatment, hoping it continues this way. I'm sorry you're having to deal with limited time with your mother, i guess make the most of it by using the time to have some truly emotionally-connected conversations and spend some quality time with her/create memories as much as you can. Also, do a personal inventory on yourself as to what "self-care" you need, be it counseling/extra long sleeps/herbal remedies or other treatments/helpers/support systems. Otherwise it's so easy to go into a hole without realising it's happening. Take care - CMS
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August 2020
1 Kudo
Hi Darcy: thanks so much for posting this, I hit No. 2 a few weeks ago. I hadn't been eating due to anxiety from mum's diagnosis and realised I was going into a hole. I had to force myself to start eating again and looking at eating/supplementing in ways that would improve my brain health. It's been working and also mum has had some good initial treatment outcomes and an outstanding/exceptional Haematologist looking after her. Now, I've realised I'm a bit "under-stressed" due to not enough to do, so I have to rebuild to plan for a few months in future re: study/work etc. I also recognise that helping people is very important. This time has made my change my future study goals from business/office to community services/individual support care. i thrive when I help others. I hope since posting this you're feeling a bit better, thanks again.
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August 2020
Hello I'm new to this forum as mum was recently diagnosed with Lymphoma. Inevitably you do searches for resources online, and then you get links pop up as ads on FBook. I haven't attended here BUT if anyone in Sydney area is looking for affordable psych resources, it could be useful. A few of the Counselors specifically mention Grief/Loss/Bereavement or Chronic Disease management. They appear to be a new inner-west counseling service with more affordable rates: Individual sessions - $60-$90 Couple and family sessions - $70-$100 About Us:
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July 2020
2 Kudos
Hi Frankie: I'm sorry to hear about your situation, I empathise as I have just learnt recently of my mum's lymphoma diagnosis, still in grief/shock. Like you, I am processing the unfairness as my mum had a sensible lifestyle and regularly saw doctors for checkups, bloods always came back A-OK, until recently, out of the blue. Best wishes for you going to support your mother and spending time with her overseas.
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