October 2021
1 Kudo
Sorry….. I’m a bit late!! P😲 Right now in Victoria, Australia, it is Saturday, 16/10/21 5.51pm… Hoping you and your Family are coping well…. Our Spring Racing Carnival, leading up to Melbourne Cup, is in full swing!! Thank Goodness!! We love watching Racing, so we are forgetting all about this Cancer stuff… I have actually been picking positive names of horses, with just a little flutter o $1 each way.. so far we doing good!! I am Catholic by upbringing, as is Husband, but now we look at the universe, a great overseeing being, instead of giving the power a name….All religions are basically the same, glorifying our Creator… It’s just ‘Mans’ interpretation that puts people off. But there is a Force of Light and Dark…. We just have to follow the Light.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Good Luck for this week…
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October 2021
1 Kudo
Hi Gracie Maggie in which state do you live?? I have found in Victoria, it may take a week or so between appointments/tests…. They send results to your GP… So if it is taking too long, call your GP for an appointment, so maybe she/he can explain where the thinking process is going…. The waiting is the hardest…💖💖💖💖
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October 2021
1 Kudo
All the best!! Keep positive… The road will take you where it will, and with you beside her, she will have your strength to lean on. Look after your own mental health and health too.💖💖💖💖
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October 2021
Good on your Positive Attitude. They say they is part of winning the battle!! I am turning 61 and as my Beautiful Daughters are yet to have children…. I really want to be around for that!! And 2 Big Weddings!! so hopefully I will have a couple of outcomes soon…. This has been going since august, and as we were in lockdown, there wasn’t much to do… Now we are opening up and can do things again, I am hoping that the trial will offer more hope, if they don’t find a Primary on Monday. Thanks for talking about all this with me. I don’t feel very alone…. My Husband and Family are supportive, but because I am in the dark too, they don’t really want to talk about it. My Darling Husband is also in support of the trial, as it is what he would opt for. I’m not telling anyone else in the Family, as they might not think it is a great idea. I can’t be bothered arguing!!🤯😅💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
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October 2021
Hello.Thanks for you reply. Yes, am looking forward to the PET Scan. I am hoping it lights up something that we can work on. The reason I would be involved in the clinical trial is if we can’t find where it is originally from, my chemo therapy would be based on where they think it is from. In this trial, they are trying new tests to find where it could be lurking and a new more targeted therapy may be useful. It is specific to Cancer of Unknown Primary. At Peter Mac…Also, if the research helps someone else, then it worth it. I don’t believe it will be a stupid move, as they wouldn’t be trialling on humans what didn’t work in a Lab, if that sounds right (?)🤔😅. And it’s a plan. Not like right this minute, when I know it’s there, but don’t know which part of my body to be annoyed with!!!😅 But I have to wait for PET……. This might all be by the wayside on Monday.👍💖
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October 2021
Dr called today. All blood tests came back very good. Nothing unusual in colonoscopy/gasroscopy. Sending me for a PET scan. Booked in for Monday. If nothing ‘lights up’ on PET, like the lesion on my lung, which doesn’t look very significant, then enrolling me in a clinical trial… Will TRY to enrol me. Due to COVID some may close .
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October 2021
Thanks for your reply.👍 Yes I found/finding it hard to comprehend the ‘non curable ‘part too! Especially with no symptoms….. Appointment with Oncologist today, so will get him to clarify it for me. I am going to remain positive. Just as you are. And wishing you all the best.
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October 2021
1 Kudo
Hello. I went to GP in August about swollen Lymphnodes in my neck. She sent me straight away to get Ct scan of my neck, abdomen and pelvis. Found swollen lymphnodes in neck and abdomen. Arranged a Haemotologist appointment for few days later, 6th September, as thought it was Lymphoma. He sent me for ultrasound biopsy on the the neck, not fine needle, core biopsy…. He needed tthat to diagnose stage/type. Waited for the next week, for results, which was a phone appointment… I thought must be negative for everything, otherwise he would speak face to face… Alas, he was very apologetic, as he didn’t realise it was a phone appointment, assumed I was attending office until reception told him it was by phone…. They found it wasn’t Lymphoma, but adenocarcinoma cells sitting in there…. An appointment was made for an Oncologist next day….. He advised me it was not looking good. Non curable cancer. Severe Cancer…Chemo will be involved… Because it is in left neck lymphnodes, it must be stemming from- Breast; Stomach; Bowel; Pancreas; Liver….?…. I have no discomfort. No weight loss. No unexplained fever. Just swollen nodes and night sweats. He sent me for more specific blood tests and a Colonoscopy/Gastroscopy… I have a phone consultation with him tomorrow…. Wondering if he will tell me it’s all a mistake or something more concrete to go on… I am writing this because I don’t know what to feel, to expect… I am sure you have all been in this boat…. Fingers crossed….
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