Hey Colin, I proof read you latest post...no errors spotted! The ole cath' in the lung hopefully will make you more comfortable. The fight continues in the battle, what round is it? Who knows, easy to lose track of. Hey Linda, you have fought your own battles and are winning many rounds. It's obvious your mission in this world is not done. Many victims on this site surely appreciate your heartfelt contributions. Bless you. As for me, I continue to research and modify my diet to help my body deal with this crap. Hibiscus tea, licorice root,red grapes, turmeric, on and on the list goes. It is actually helping qite a bit. My latest self treatment will be spearmint oil in the navel. Ya'll laughing I can tell. The sensible reason being, the navel is the first item formed as life is created. And so every atery, blood vessel etc. pass through, under, over, around...who knows, it's worth a try to see if the ole belly button is a pathway for healing. Signing off for now, Stay Strong....Steve.
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