Hi @Greeny , I'm sorry to hear of the symptoms you are experiencing. Unfortunately it's not an uncommon side effect from platinum based chemotherapy based drugs (of which cisplatin is one). https://healthinfo.healthengine.com.au/platinum-therapy How are you going with your treatment? Have you finished or still have more to go? My chemo treatment (FOLFOX) was some time ago and resulted in some permanent nerve damage in my hands and feet, but at the time side effects included sensitivity to cold (drinking cold water felt like razor blades sliding down my throat), loss of feeling and pins and needs in my hands and feet, nausea, sometimes struggling to breath amongst others. Different people will have different side effects to deal with. Depending on which platinum based drug they are receiving and the individual themselves. https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Understanding-Peripheral-Neuropathy-2020-1.pdf I think in your last post you mentioned that you'd only had phone appointments with your oncologist. Have you had a chance to see him recently? Below a fellow member provides some tips on his experience with chemo and Cisplatin. https://onlinecommunity.cancercouncil.com.au/t5/Living-with-cancer/Chemo-survival-kit/td-p/31634 -s
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