Returned last week from 8 days in Adelaide meeting our new grandson Sebastian.He is such a cutie but slept a lot of the time we were there.It was wonderful to see how excited my fiance was to meet his grandson.Just so thankful we got the time to do this. He is now on tablet form chemo and we go to hospital and Oncologist every three weeks for intravenous Avistan. The tablet form of chemo doesn't make him quite as tired and as he had his picline taken out we have been able to travel.Can't wait for the kids and baby Sebastian to come over to visit in just over two weeks for our wedding on April 10th.These lovely distractions have been a godsend for us and our family and friends.We bought our motorhome on the weekend and hopefully take delivery next week. Lookout Australia here we come. My fiance has had a pain around the eye area the last week so we have been to Doctor today and although he doesn't think it sounds like a tumour he has organised a brain scan to be sure.The rollercoaster continues but we will try not to think too much about it until results are in (easier said than done).When fun and exciting things are happening around you it is easy for a moment to forget about your prognosis. Love hugs and best wishes to everyone. Gail xx
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Hey Gail My apologies i have been a bit busy of late and not been in here. Congrats on the motor home and seeing your grandson. I bet he was gorgeous!!! Is there something in the water in adelaide with all these babies? haha I hope that all is well with your husband and his eye. take care Julie xo
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Hi Jules. Yes Sebastian is absolutely gorgeous.Cant wait for him to come here in a few weeks.All our kids (seven in total, 2 his 3 mine and 2 stepchildren) will be here for our wedding. Sounds a bit like the Brady bunch.We went today and fiance had brain scan and within 2 hours we had a text message from Dr saying brain scan all clear. Good news for once without the BUT.Now to relax a little. Picking up motorhome tomorrow and going to Geraldton for first trip at Easter. Will probably just do trips around WA until after my daughter gets married in October then tackle the Nullabor. Hope you are well. Take care Gailxx
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Go the grey nomads?! Have lots of fun. S
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@ samex ... lol re the grey nomads :D @ Gail ... thats fantastic news!!!! It is news i needed to hear tonight. Soounds like you have some wonderful plans for you both and your motorhome!! Julie xo ps ... all good here for now and trying to get life back on some sort of track. 🙂
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Jules I crave to be a grey nomad and head off down the coast. Gail, I am very envious. S
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S ... pick me up on the way 😄 haha cept i need to go up the coast ... hmmm then again down the coast might be good too. I just need some sort of a break at the moment. :) Julie xo
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I'm with you Julie - any sort of a break would be good - even my psych wants me to have one. Unfortunately bills and time are against me! Sometime soon, Samex
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Hiya S When i get back to work (see i am being positive) lol I am going to start saving for a holiday first up. Everything else can go take a flying leap i think. Sad part about this is that i need a break before i start work. hahaha
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