Tomorrow is the day to put the picc in so that I can carry around a little bottle of magic potion,oncologist decided that rather than tablets for 6 weeks best I have the picc line.I have heard so many negatives about this option that it scares the heck out of me but I truly dont have an option as I have been assured that this is best for my cancer treatment.I feel very disappointed with my self for being so silly about this when others have to endure so much more,by writing this it just gets it off my chest and also puts things back into perspective.So thanks to this community I have once again found it to be an absolute lifeline. Huge hugs and wishes to all X
Super Contributor
All the best with this. I know nothing about it but others here will. It's understandable that you are nervous as it's all knew and strange in the world of cancer.
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Hi Tina Isn't it funny how people only tell you the negative side of things, a bit like child birth people tell you all the horrendous stories of having a child but nobody tells you that they had a great experience. I had my PICC line for around 12 weeks during my chemo and for a period of time after it had finished but the surgeon wanted it removed before surgery to lesson the chances of infection. I heard many scary stories of people getting infected lines and having to have them redone but my experience was fine. Yes it is a little inconvenient and I was very conscious of my new friend but I used to wear mine under a tubi grip and stole my husbands shirts to cover it up and nobody would have known I had it on whilst out in public. Made sleeping interesting but soon got use dot it being there. The number of extra needles it saved me having was definitely a bonus an became so used to it that when I went for an endoscopy before my op told the surgeon how to use it to knock me out, that was its last day as he had it removed after the endoscopy as it was not needed for chemo any more and I was on no intravenous drugs so no need to keep it there. If you maintain it by not getting it wet and keep it clean you should have no problems, a tip I was given was to wrap your PICC in cling wrap before a shower and this seemed to work although I would take shallow baths to wash instead and just shower when I needed to wash my hair as this was easier. Amazing how we adapt to all these alien items they add to our bodies. I had a JJ tube in my stomach as well to feed me so I was slowly gaining tubes but nothing compared to after the op where they removed my central line and replaced it with another PICC but this one was short lived and only kept it for a week so they could administer cocktails of antibiotics, saline, magnesium and potassium all through the PICC but could have been many other ports. Good luck with the PICC and I am sure it will be out before you know it.
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New Contributor
Hi Kasianne,thanks so much for your words of advice and kindness from your own experience.It really does make a difference to hear positives especially someone who speaks from experience.You have made such a huge difference to the way I feel tonight and for that I am truly grateful,and feel alot more comfortable with the decision to have the picc.Will let you know how it all goes thanks again.Huge hugs and wishes X
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New Contributor
Thanks Silly love to hear from you and your honesty about knowing nothing of this process but being understanding and caring enough to post a comment makes me feel so much better.Will post again soon and will share my experience so hopefully someone else may get some comfort,just like I have received from you.X
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Hi Tina How did the PICC line go today? Hope they managed to get it in with no hassles and all is good.
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New Contributor
Hi Kasianne,Hope you are all good the picc line went in fine didn't feel a thing now have my new magic bottle attatched which will be changed weekly,radio started Friday and all seems well so far.Thanks so much for your encouragement and support you have been great,so how are you going and where are you at with your cancer and treatments if you dont mind me asking? Huge hugs and wishesX
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Hi Tina I am hopefully in what we would call the remission stage as I have been declared cancer free although I declined the last rounds of chemo which were recommended by my oncologists. I had esophageal cancer but had to have chemo before my operation to remove the cancerous section of the esophagus as I could not eat or drink anything even to the extent of not being able to keep my saliva down. I was told it was stage IV but not sure really as luckily it had not spread anywhere but did have an operation to remove a suspect ovary which thankfully was fine it was just carrying cysts. The chemo worked really well on the tumour at the base of my esophagus and the pathology results for the removal of the section and also the lymph nodes all came back as being no evidence of cancer cells so I class myself as really lucky, hence why i declined the following rounds of chemo, which the oncologist sort of agreed with after another CT scan. I am now on 6 monthly check ups with CT scans prior to each appointment with the oncologist and still have to await another appointment with my surgeon and hopefully he will discharge me from his care after the next appointment. I am very lucky as I have responded well to everything they have given me and even recovered very well to the major surgery I underwent, most people have a 4 week stay in hospital but I was discharged after 2 weeks. At the time I felt things were difficult but now after reading a lot of stories on here I feel a bit of a fraud as i seem to have gotten off lightly compared to some although I 10 hour op and then an emergency 3 hour op the following day seems a little dramatic but I have survived and life carries on. when it was all happening it seemed very intense but it seems longer than the 5 months since my op but i have been very lucky with excellent support form my husband and family and I have the future to look forward to including becoming a grandma in October. Apparently I am 20 years to young and the wrong sex to have had this cancer but I like to be different. My mum had breast cancer 17 years ago and is still going strong so I knew that cancer was not necessarily a death sentence and that is what kept me going throughout all this. I am glad all went well with the PICC line and I hope the chemo goes well, I was lucky and did not have to have radiotherapy so I cannot help with advice on that but I can say chemo was definitely a positive experience for me as I went from not being able to eat to actually putting on weight before my op, even to the stage where when i went to appointments the nurses said it was strange to see someone looking better from chemo, but then i went from being fed o n a feeding tube to eating properly in a short space of time. I hope your experience is as positive as mine although you will experience extreme tiredness at times and that cannot be helped but if it kicks this horrible disease out of our systems then every bit of suffering is worth it for it to be gone. Good luck and keep me updated. I send you my best wishes and keep smiling no matter how difficult it gets x
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Tina. Please dont be disappointed in yourself for the way you feel. Like I was told by my psychologist once, no feelings are silly, they are real to the person experiencing them, and we feel them all for a reason. Although there may be people in far worse situations out there, any kind of cancer is horrific. While some are more dangerous or more traumatic than others, this is still the worst thing you've ever experienced and you have every right to feel how you do.
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New Contributor
Hi Tiki91,thanks so much for your kind words of encouragement and understanding.It is nice to know people are out there and that they do care huge hugs and wishes X
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New Contributor
Hi Kasianne,it sounds absolutely horrendous what you have been through,to come out of the other end and be as positive and supportive as you are is an amazing thing.I am glad to hear you are in remission and I hope that this continues,you sound like a real fighter so I get the distinct impression that you will continue to kick butt.What a wonderful family you have from the support you have recieved and to looking forward to a grandchild, how exciting. I will keep you updated as you have been an immense support and inspiration to me,I will take on board all your advice and try and keep smiling. Take care and thankyou huge hugs and wishes Tina X
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Super Contributor
Kasianne ,you have done very well. Congratulations . You have been through a LOT and come out of it smiling .
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