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First off I want to say ‘Hi’ to others who venture here. This is my first time communicating on here, and my heart truly goes out to everyone that has had to endure going through cancer in any way, shape or form. 
A bit about myself, I was diagnosed with aggressive bowel cancer, which via having a scan, a dark mass on my ovaries was detected, and my diagnosis was aggressive stage 3 ovarian cancer which had not yet metastasised, and both cancers were seperate. Late January I had everything removed & have a stoma bag for the interim ‘ which the surgeon wanted me to have on a permanent basis’ and last month my PET scan showed up void of any sign of cancer, though that I’ve been informed has a probability of changing down the track.

What I’m really disappointed in, is the fact that ovarian cancer, even though once found can be removed, has a really high likelihood of returning. Had I known this about ovaries, I would of had them removed once I no longer intended to have any more children, but the fact is no one gets told about this, it’s only when cancer enters your life that you tend to hear about the highly negative outcome that occurs. They say that the amount of those it inflicts doesn’t really make it viable to have females informed about what can happen if cancer of the ovaries occurs, but at least I would like the opportunity to have had the knowledge out there as the saying goes ( Prevention is better than a cure ). We’re informed about cigarettes being a cancer concern, so why not be fully informative in all areas.  Even though cancer is not something that has run in my family at all, I still would like to have information out there because the more we’re educated in these areas the better.





Cancer is not the end. The doctor's death sentence is not real if you don't believe in it. Our mind is so powerful it can overcome difficult situations like cancer.  If you believe that and your body will start changing. I have seen it with my own eyes. Stop blaming and upsetting now and stand up to live your life. If my grandma can do it. You all can do it~


Stage 4, Lung Cancer, Never smoked, No typical risk factors, completely out of the blue, adrenal rupture, not operable, both lungs, adrenal gland, lymph node, immunotherapy, quality of life.


Many cancer patients and survivors haven’t been able to access the support they need to take control of their return to work, professional development and careers while dealing with the complex side effects of cancer and the treatment. Further, most employers want to help but don’t know how.

I have set up Live Work Cancer is filling this void.


Immunotherapy is a game changer for me !! it's been fantastic and I feel well and I can live a normal life.

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