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A blog is a shared online journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences. You can post a new blog entry using the buttons on the right side of this page or view the list of latest blog entries below. You can also filter these using the blog labels to find those in similar situations to you.
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Many cancer patients and survivors haven’t been able to access the support they need to take control of their return to work, professional development and careers while dealing with the complex side effects of cancer and the treatment. Further, most employers want to help but don’t know how.

I have set up Live Work Cancer is filling this void.


Immunotherapy is a game changer for me !! it's been fantastic and I feel well and I can live a normal life.


Advise about any mRNA clinical trials for Brain cancer.


Hello, does anyone know if cancer markers can elevate for no reason and not a recurrence  ? Does this happen often ? 

Cheers Im terrified


Hello, I am a 16 year old ovarian cancer survivor who battled cancer during the worst time ever ; 2020. 



On the 24/4 my Dad lost his battle. We had tried to grant his wish of passing at home. It become too hard,

Talk to a health professional
Cancer Council support and information 13 11 20Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
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