How are you doing?

Super Contributor

Re: How are you doing?

Fine thanks Kate👍

Valued Contributor

Re: How are you doing?

Hi Kate,


Thanks for checking.

She's feeling better, but still in quarantine. 6 weeks and counting.

NSW health look like they're also moving my children in to social isolation too, as close contacts.

Wife still sick and in quarantine, kids in social isolation, I'm sole carer, full time job + study and I have surgery scheduled in 3 weeks time.

I'll get there.



Super Contributor

Re: How are you doing?


Gee I hope the  family and your situation Improves soon best wishes.


Valued Contributor

Re: How are you doing?

Cheers kj. Appreciate the thoughts.

I'm under no illusions that it's anywhere near as hard as anyone with or under the threat of cancer,  just frustrating and a lot of balls to juggle.



Super Contributor

Re: How are you doing?

Hi @sch,

I was thinking of you & your wife today. How are things going for you both? Is your wife fully recovered or does she have lingering side effects? And I think you mentioned in a previous post you were going to have some surgery - how did that go? Are you feeling better?
Valued Contributor

Re: How are you doing?

Thanks Budgie.

She was cleared of covid19 a few days before I had my colonoscopy and hernia repair (was compulsory before I had my surgery.) I had my surgery and I'm mostly recovered now.

A few days after my surgery (I'm at home not able to do much), my wife went to the shops (first time in 2 months) and tripped over and fell.  Concussion and a broken hand. This is just too funny.

Other than that, we're all OK. Just a bit sore. This is life.



Super Contributor

Re: How are you doing?

Oh gosh, it never ends, does it? Well, I hope she mends up well & then stays safe. Glad to hear you're doing okay. Take care.

Valued Contributor

Re: How are you doing?

oh gosh @sch, what a time you've all been through!!!


Glad to hear your wife has recovered from COVID though, sad to hear about her hand!! I hope you're both recovering ok though, despite being a bit sore 😊


How are you doing @Budgie? Is your eye doing ok now? Any word on when the other one might get done?? And how's your husband doing post his surgery now?


I've been super busy behind the scenes here at Cancer Council, lots coming and happening. And missing you all, as well as worried about how all of you may be doing with life in the current climate.

@kj  - how are you doing?

@Lindsay - been worried about you as well, how are you doing with your treatment and in general?

@Sarah11 - how have the kids been? Are you doing ok with everything at home and your treatment?

@MyheroCoolSpy - how's things with you?

@Angel1 -  how has your partner been coping with his chemo? And how are you doing as well?


And anyone else I've missed! Pop in and let us know how you are, good or bad - you are not alone 😘


Super Contributor

Re: How are you doing?

Hi sch

Gee It’s terrible the misfortune that happens in your family,truly  incredible I hope you and your wife recover soon.

Super Contributor

Re: How are you doing?

Hi Kate

I am doing ok thanks,our suburb is not in lockdown at present, I hope everyone else is going as well as can be expected in these challenging times.

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