My best friend is 29 and has stage 4 mets breast cancer.
Before all of this she was the life of the party, always out having fun, had a cool job all the best clothes/hairstyles.. Just enjoying being in her 20's really.
Now all the treatment has started the obvious side affects have been terrible, but the reality is, the diagnosis of this type of cancer at her age has felt a little isolating to her.
Lately some of the issues that have been affecting her most are those that, we who love her can sympathise with, but no-one who hasn't had cancer themselves can really ever understand.
There are physical problems related to treatment but also emotional trials due to her aching need to have a family one day and other obvious worries that any woman in her position would face.
I am trying to help her find some other young people, who once felt this could never have happened to them, and share the same frustrations that she is going through. She is a little sceptical about online chatting, but she is of the online generation so I figure, there has to be others like her on here.. Girls, guys.. Can anyone relate?