Coping with chemo mood swings

Occasional Contributor

Coping with chemo mood swings

My husband has gone aggressive chemo for 3 months and has had multiple complications with a port leak. He is really short tempered and is snapping at me all the time. I’m trying to ignore it but it’s hard. I am trying my best to support him but am losing the will to continue. I love my husband but I don’t know if we will make it through medically or if our marriage will survive this cancer. 

Valued Contributor

Re: Coping with chemo mood swings

Certainly this is not an uncommon complaint. You are not alone.

How are you things going now? Have they improved?



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Occasional Contributor

Re: Coping with chemo mood swings

I hope you are coping okay? It’s very hard for us who are the brunt of our husband’s anger and changed personalities due to this disease. I don’t know if this helps but I try to walk every day and swim laps to empty my head of his bad vibes. Of course that plan goes pear shaped when he wants to walk with me and I’ve got this ball of anger striding along at my side🙄


I try to look at the long game and I don’t want to look back and feel regret for how I handled things.



Occasional Contributor

Re: Coping with chemo mood swings

Thanks for the comments.
I know I’m not alone and I have a great family and friends support system but still feel so alone, my husband is so angry and I’m trying to throw myself into projects such as gardening and painting which helps a little. Things are up and down it feels a bit like a roller coaster.
I’m getting away for a couple of days next weekend so hoping that helps.
New Member

Re: Coping with chemo mood swings

I 'm fighting cancer, and I didn't realize the extent of my mood swings, My adult daughter complained to me. Now I have realized , I am not quite my usual self, and to be a bit mindful of it.

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Coping with chemo mood swings

Hi Heather, 


It is great that you have reached out to the Online Community to share how you are feeling. This is an old thread that hasn't been commented on in quite some time. But its a really relevant topic that I'm sure others have had an experience of. 


If you too have felt your treatment impact your mood, it could be helpful to share and discuss. 


Take care


Supportive Care Specialist CCNSW

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New Member

Re: Coping with chemo mood swings

I feel for you, I’m in the same position that my husband has a ton of anger. He is in treatment, we go home Friday. I cry almost constantly, I try to stay out of his path, it’s hard as a care giver to be cleaning, cooking and bring a whipping post.

I do find my walks help me escape. Sending hugs.
Occasional Contributor

Re: Coping with chemo mood swings

Hi Alwk. 
My heart goes out to you being on the receiving end of you Husbands anger. 
It is not right or ok that he lashes out. 
Please let him know about his behaviour and get support/ counselling 

I have gone through the whole a chemo and radiation. It has such an impact on the partner / caregiver. 
please at least reach out to the Cancer Council 131112 and ask for assistance 

good luck 


take care of yourself. 


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Occasional Contributor

Re: Coping with chemo mood swings

Also there is a Facebook page.
Which I just found out about.
“ Caring for your husband with Cancer”
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