Help needed with BCC please

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Help needed with BCC please

hi , my concern is nowhere near as bad as some i am reading ,but its a concern none the less ,my husband has BCC which he has had for 6 years that we know of (yes he wouldnt go get it checked)he has been placed on a waiting list as a catergory 1 patient to have it removed .it is about 5-6 cm in diameter now ,we had 12 days to go before it was his turn to come up for surgery and i have recieved a letter saying he has been downgraded to a cat 2(now a 90 day or more wait) , this bcc is on his shoulder and since the biopsy in Dec has tripled in size , has anyone else here had one as we are finding the doctor or specialist arent giving us a lot of information. He seems to be infected under his armpit with pus/etc and a really bad odour and its looking terrible -the bcc is on top of his shoulder and the doctor said the underarm wouldnt be affected by this -its something else but no follow up... I would love to hear from anyone who has had a bcc and their follow up treatments please
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