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Im 23 yo female studying (to be a police officer). my life feels like its just getting on track an i find out my mum has cervical cancer.
my mum and i dont really get along (a long story) but with how sick she is i feel i have to be involved. my mum starts chemo an...Read More
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Hi - I am new to this site. I am a little lost. My partner passed away in May and from then on things have moved quickly. I have had to plan his memorial, look after our daughter who is 4, find a new home for us and work and grieve.
I cared for him in his last ...Read More
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Mum still here, everyday can be a curse and a blessing...
Geez it makes me angry when these medical "so called" professionals give one a whipping because you missed a prescription. Guess they see it all the time but still what gives them the right - so much anger...Read More
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H E L P !!!!
Desperately need ideas to lift the spirits for a 12 yr old girl whose life is fading very fast.
My girlfriend's daughter has been fighting brain tumors for over a year now. Only 3 weeks after the last operation the tumors are back. Inope...Read More
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I met an old friend at the oncology clinic 2 days before xmas last year I asked what are you doing here she said i have just been told i have lung cancer but that it is cureable with radiation and a short dose of chemotherapy they started after xmas she had no prob...Read More
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Hi everyone,
I am 28 years old and my 32 year old husband was diagnosed with a brain tumour in December after having a seizure out of nowhere. It is unable to be surgically removed so he has had radiation and is now on chemo.
We have an 18 month old son. We li...Read More
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Hi my Dad has prostate cancer
He has been treated (successfully) since 2003 but just before christmas last year his blood tests showed a significant increase in his PSA level (457)and that the cancer had metastatised. He had a mega dose of radiation (which really ...Read More
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My mum has just been diagonised with breast cancer which has already spread to the bone and liver, she is starting chemo this week.
Its full on and accepting what is happening and going to happen is a full on process.
I have researched some things already to try an...Read More
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hi , my concern is nowhere near as bad as some i am reading ,but its a concern none the less ,my husband has BCC which he has had for 6 years that we know of (yes he wouldnt go get it checked)he has been placed on a waiting list as a catergory 1 patient to have it ...Read More
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It's so hard , I'm the only one she can talk to and she is angry at everything and telling me she just wishes it was 'all over' cos she doesn't want to go through treatment if shes just gonna die anyway