Home Care for dad


Home Care for dad

My dad has stage 4 cancer, he is now finding it hard to get out of the house to get prescriptions and such. 

Recently he had a bad turn and my mum tried to get his prescription, the cancer  clinic he attends told her he needed to see his GP but his GP couldn't help without my dad coming in. 


I'm sure some of you can understand my frustration in this situtaion. Is this normal practice? 

How can cancer patients who have day/weeks where they are too unwell to leave the house get prescriptions or see nurses/doctors. 

Is there something we don't know about where they come to you? 


Re: Home Care for dad

Hi @LM12,


Thank you for joining the Online Community and I'm sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis. It sounds like it is very hard for you all.


Depending on your dad's location, there might be home visiting doctors in the area who also can visit after hours, some of whom bulk bill. They might be able to liaise with your dad's GP. 


You or your mum might also find it helpful to call Cancer Council 131120 Information and Support line (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) to see if there are other support services in the area that might be helpful for your family.


Kind regards,


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