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Hello, My mum was diagnosed with aggressive Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma last week and two days later she has started her first course of chemotherapy. What has really got to me is my mum told me the other day that she thinks she is dying and I would love some help on how...Read More
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We all receive our energy bill every quarter - for me my hands tremble at the mere thought of opening the envelope. I am preparing myself for the shock of the ever increase energy costs! Then I wonder how it could possibly be that high?
The second nightmare is...Read More
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Hello, my name is Tatiana. I just found out, one week ago today, that my father was diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. He was given 3 months to a year. I have always had a small family, and have not lost anyone yet. For my father, who I love with every bit of ...Read More
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In January my stepdad was diagnosed with throat cancer, and recently we’ve found out it’s in stage lV. It has moved to his jaw bone (the 4mm growth). I don’t know all the details — he has been going to his appointments alone, and then relays the information to my m...Read More
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My husband and I are British expats living overseas for many years. Our best friends for over twenty years are struggling. Four years ago Steve 50 was diagnosed with leukaemia. He was told in November 2018 that he only had a few months to live. My best friend Sue ...Read More
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Hi everyone out there who has this horrible disease or is caring for a loved one suffering this illness.I am caring for my father and have come to another state to do this and walked away from my job as there was no one to care for him. It's now 5am in the morning ...Read More
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Hello all, my dad 67 is dying of bile duct cancer that has metastasized to his stomach now. He has an unbearable pain lately. He is on morphine 24/7. What does that mean? Is he leaving us soon? Any comments? I’m going crazy here, I can’t imagine him dead. Where’s h...Read More
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Hi Everyone.... it already feels so good being able to join a forum like this to be able to just let my thoughts outs... My fiance was diagnosed with cancer in her breast and lymph node last Friday and she is actually on her way home now from her first round of che...Read More
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My dad has stage 4 cancer, he is now finding it hard to get out of the house to get prescriptions and such. Recently he had a bad turn and my mum tried to get his prescription, the cancer clinic he attends told her he needed to see his GP but his GP couldn't help ...Read More
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Hi,So my dad just told me he got diagnosed with stomach cancer Stage 2 in June 2018. He don't want chemo and operations as he thinks that he can fight the cancer naturally by changing his diets- eating only meat and veges, taking super food and supplements. He went...Read More