Need ideas to make the last few weeks happy and meaningful for a 12 year old girl

Occasional Contributor

Re: Need ideas to make the last few weeks happy and ...

Heaven must have needed a perfect angel ... Midnight Cupcake passed away this afternoon ...
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Super Contributor

Re: Need ideas to make the last few weeks happy and ...

She will feel no more pain but her family must be in pain . The loss of a child must be unimaginably difficult.The sadness may never go away but in time will become bearable, I think.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Need ideas to make the last few weeks happy and ...

Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers go to her family and friends.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Need ideas to make the last few weeks happy and ...

Our sincerest prayers to her family and friends..
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Need ideas to make the last few weeks happy and ...

Thank you for all your thoughtful and encouraging messages. And thank you again to everyone who contributed with ideas. Many of those were used. MC's (Midnight Cupcake) friends were fantastic and came to visit her regularly even though MC could not take part in their conversations and activities anymore. She just listened and smiled. MC's family is simply amazing. They packed so much love into the time they had left with her, spending each moment together. Just a few days ago they made a special garden under MC s supervision, using roses that share her first name. A friend said the following to me today: If this was always to be [MC's] destiny, she was definitely born into the perfect family. Without using the exact quote, her mum described her passing as beautiful, peaceful and spiritual. The sadness and loss will always be felt by everyone; but this beautiful girl will always have a special place in our hearts. With a heavy heart, Bee
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