does it mean the end ?

New Contributor

does it mean the end ?

Does having stage four non hodgkins lymphoma advance into the liver have to mean the end ? Is there any treatment or transplants that could work ? What about alternative treatments ? Does anyone know much about this ...thankyou
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New Contributor

does it mean the end ?

Hi, I had CLL and NHL, my NHL was only in my lymph nodes ( not sure of the stage) but agressive enough to warrant major treatment as chemo wasn't working for me. The CLL was very agressive too. I had a Bone Marrow Transplant on Augist of 2004 at RBH and it worked very well for me but, if your NHL has marched on to the liver I have no idea. I can only suggest that you speak with your oncologist and keep asking questions 'till you get an answer as to what can be done.  Seek second and third etc. opinons if necessary. Just don't give up! Hang in there!
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does it mean the end ?

I'm stage 4 NHL with it inthe spleen and from whatIm told and read a lot dependson your age and general health, but theres a good chanceits treatable. I don't know your situation, but I think I know how you feel as I was there myself not long ago. You have to get the facts from the doctors first before looking too far down the track. Keep your head in check until you do so. NHL is treatable and even curable in some cases. Take care and keep in touch  
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Occasional Contributor

does it mean the end ?

Lottie, I am sorry to hear the news of your non hodgkins lymphona travelling to the liver. I do not know much about non hodkins lymphona however my wife has had breast cancer in the liver for just over 2 years and is living with the disease which is presently stable. She has gone through hormonal treatment and has been on chemo the past So to me your question of is it the end....I say there is a battle ahead and being stage iv it is probably not curable however have faith as we have met many people who have survived many years with disease in the liver. Best wishes and take care. I am sure someone else can give you better advice as to the options you seek.
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