Grief and resolution

Occasional Contributor

Grief and resolution

My partner died 28Nov2012 from Glioblastoma Multiforme (grade 4 brain cancer). When diagnosed, we agreed not to ask "why?" nor "why us?"  nor "this isn't fair."   We saw it as a wastge of time and energy when we only had maybe 12months. 

Hi treatments were not very debilitating as in being sick, nor was there any pain, just tiredness. 

Most of the time we spent a beautiful year together. He gave me a year of knowing what it is to be retired from working routine and simply enjoying the day.

There were of course difficult and sad times. Night time could be very frujstrating and difficult.

Five and a maybe half years later, I am here, have survived the worst part of the grieving process. At the time I would look at a friend of mine who was widowed very young and think how can you be so happy (40years later), as in genuinely and spontaneously happy and here I am. I laugh, I make jokes, I enjoy myself, I work, I live and am grateful.

Valued Contributor

Re: Grief and resolution

Hi @Deni_55,


I just wanted to check in with you to see how you're doing and thank you for taking the time to post.


Sending hugs your way! Heart

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Re: Grief and resolution

hi, I just wanted to say thank you for your post. My partner of almost twenty years passed away from the exact same thing as your partner four days ago.  Sadly, we only had two months together, I cared for him at home, was his only support and caregiver and never will regret taking care of him. I told him when he first had the emergency surgery on april 21st that I am on a leave of absence from work and I am his servant all his days. I gave him my life, I cared for him and was his partner, caregiver and spiritual guide to help him ease into the next life. These last couple months brought us closer than ever and I received more than I could ever give. The gift of His last months, weeks, days, hours, minute and finally as I held him close to my heart, weaping, his last breath. When he passed my heart broke, my soul ached because a part of it I have him so he wouldn't go on his new journey alone, my final act of love. Thank you for letting me know that someday a smile will return to my face. I loved him so.

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