My dad, my best friend, mesothelioma

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My dad, my best friend, mesothelioma

My dad passed away a month ago. He had mesothelioma. He died 4 weeks after diagnosis and just 2 days after his first round of immunotherapy. The tumor went from one small tumor to full blown cancer throughout his chest cavity under a week. On the Thursday we were discussing continuing treatment with his oncologist as dads heart was so strong ( ex-marathon runner) and by Sunday he died. We didn't get to bring him home. He went to the ED on the Monday afternoon and never came home. We had no time (I know it would never have been enough time). He is my best friend and lived with my mum in a small house on our property and I cannot cope without him. I watched my mum's heart break as we slept at the hospital for the last 2 nights of his life. he went from sitting up chatting to unable to communicate within hours. I keep re-living his end of life and questioning the decision to make him comfortable or to suffer through more options of trying to get oxygen in to his blood ... I don't feel like I can cope. The sadness is beyond anything I have ever felt. My heart goes out to everyone here who is grieving the loss of a loved one. You just never really think it will happen to your family. 

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Re: My dad, my best friend, mesothelioma


I'm sorry to hear about your Dad.

It must be difficult to lose your Dad so quickly. In between all the medical tests, appointments and surgeries, maybe it felt like you didn't have a chance to properly say good bye. It was all so sudden.

It sounds like you all did everything that you could. I'm sure that he knew that and appreciated it.

While he is no longer with us, I know that he will always live on in your memories.

Thinking of you.




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Re: My dad, my best friend, mesothelioma

Hi Debmc, that’s just so very hard for you having your dear dad go so quickly. I remember when my dad died suddenly 2 years ago he was in hospital for a day and they did all tests on his heart and couldn’t find anything. He was sent home and died during the night. It was dreadful and I cried for a year. My beautiful mum died last year and we had to make those horrible choices to keep her out of pain. So I understand what you’re going through. You don’t have to rush through the grieving process. Life goes on but it’s never the same without parents who are so special. Xx Linda G 

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