Diagnosed today


Diagnosed today

blubber? not at all and its wonderful of you to share this with us. If anyone knows how you feel, its the readers of this site. Its probably best to let it all out, eventually the tears run out and you will start looking forward again. I have my fingers crossed for you. stay in touch and love everyday.  
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Diagnosed today

5 chemo sessions down, 1 to go! would like to hear from other HL or NHL sufferers.
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Diagnosed today

I am adding this message because I see that it gets a lot of hits (views) and I would like to offer our community something. My guess is that the title of the post is what attracts people especially those who like me are newly diagnosed and feel like a giant hole has just opened around them. Its not a good feeling. My message is simple, take a breath, cancer trully is a word that describes many things and each is differentto each person. Yes, its serious, but as far as I know its never a black and white situation and in every case there is hope and some wonderful science. Work with your doctors, get involved and look at each step in turn. Do not jump too many steps ahead and do as we should all do anyway....enjoy every day regardless.   I hope you find my simple message useful.   take care..        
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Diagnosed today

I write this post almost six months to the day that I started it. Incredibly its also two weeks since my doctors said that my cancer was in remission and the scans came back clean. This has been quite a journey, emotionally and physically. Is it over? I guess I will always live with some fear that it will come back. But I have also learned to live each day more fully.   Take care and be gentle with yourselves.
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Frequent Contributor

Diagnosed today

Hi mate, sorry to hear of your diagnosis but don't give up hope. This is a gret site to be able to vent and ask and generally just get your feelings out there and know that someone who has been there is listening! good luck with your journey
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Occasional Contributor

Diagnosed today

Friday the 13th...I hade my operation today, to remove the "pea" from my breast.It took whole day in a Hospital...Everything went well. I'm home now, and finally feeling again.Last 4 weeks been like an AUTOPILOT for me. Going to one doctor or Specialist to another, I did not realise at how highly strung I been, I thought I was doing OK, taking one day at time.Not at all....Now I'm home, safely home, feeling secure...And my tears are running like a river, It feels at I can rest now,all that stress been eating me, making me extremely tense and I been cold, superhuman, active,,, and all my feelings been in a back burner. It's like at my mind, body been taken over for a while, just like an automatic pilot.So, now I cry a big time...It's over,, there wasnt any tenticles under my cyst, it was a cyst.Even at it's gone to lab, for diagnosis..I just say at I had a drive in a rollercoaster for a while..Sorry, If I blubber like this, but I need to share it... Thank you for lisstening..
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Diagnosed today

Hi, new to this with just having received news that I have Lymphoma. Its yet to be categorised so the treatment is yet to be prescribed. Boy, this is scary stuff and I am glad to have found this website to share some of this. Your own stories do help me understand that I am not alone. As for me, 46YoM, two great kids and a beautiful wife. Life was going to plan when out of the blue this comes out. Anyway thats it for now, but it looks like you have a new team member. I look forward to hearing from you.  
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Diagnosed today

I just realised that it sbeen three months since I last wrote in this discussion thread. Hard to believe, three months in remission. I feel good but suffer from survivorship, the constant naggling that it could come back. Anyway, just wanted to wish all readers a very joyous Christmas and the contnued strength for this journey that has been laid out for us. Drop me a line on anything...   take care, be gentle on yourselves.
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