whats with the hair?

Occasional Contributor

whats with the hair?

Has anyone else had strange regrowth with their hair. Chemo was 9 weeks ago and my hair is growing quite well around the back but very patchy around the front and not even a hint of a fringe. It grew back white initially - not my original colour - now there is dark undergrowth with the white whispy bits. I don't even support that team....ha. I am not even sure when to bring the hairdresser in. How do you all deal with this? I would be most interested. Eyebrows and Eyelashes are growing with great speed and fortunately they are dark.
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Super Contributor

Re: whats with the hair?

My hair took ages to come back and its a different colour now. Plus half of it went curly and then just wavy and now its almost back to being dead straight. It is thicker than it used to be, other than that its the same really.
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Re: whats with the hair?

I love your sense of humor :D Well i was lucky & didn't lose all my hair with the type of Chemo i had, although because i had tonsil cancer i lost my underneath layer from the top of my ears down due to Radiotherapy. The regrowth is about 3 inches long now but the amazing thing is it's grown back dark brown? I've been dying my hair for years & the regrowth on the top (age related) is "grey"? I often wonder if i'd lost it all if my "grey" would be gone for good??? :) From what i've heard from others i think it's just totally unpredictable how our hair is going to grow back. ;) Mez 🙂
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Occasional Contributor

Re: whats with the hair?

Its over a year now since I was diagnosed and after chemo my hair grew straight and grey. I had it coloured and even got foils. Now I have a fringe and the whole head is so curly. I dont know what to do. I have it straightened after a shampoo using the hair dryer but the heat seems to have made it more curly after the next wash. I am so frustrated that am at a stage to just ignore and live with what i have. frangipani.
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Super Contributor

Re: whats with the hair?

Hey frangipani Mine is grey and straight, or at least it was. It did end up a bit curly and that soon dropped out. I put my order in for brown and curly and am not sure what happened. I have now coloured it using organics ... my friend is a hairdresser so she insists. I use organic shampoo and conditioner too. My hair is pretty much how it used to be except thicker and more grey. Just lately I have been losing quite a bit of hair and need to keep an eye on whether it might be my thyroid that is not quite right ... bit of hazard with the treatent i had. :) You could get a chemical straightening if you wanted, although from what I hear that most people's hair return back to normal eventually.
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Frequent Contributor

Re: whats with the hair?

Hi Frangipani on the lighter side, you could shave it off and start again. Just tell people you have lost your hair to chemo. I lost every hair on my body due to chemo, and I absolutely loved being bald. You have so much freedom (I will say I had never liked my hair anyway) - no shampoo, no gel, no hairspray, no hairdresser - absolutely loved it!!! If you dont want to go 'the bald bit' maybe try getting it cut really short. Di 🙂
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New Contributor

Re: whats with the hair?

Hey Mez, Did your hair grow back after radiation treatment. I swore that my Dr said it would but it has been two months now and I am starting to worry. I have neat bald patches behind each of my ears which people think I have shaved on purpose - I hate it!! Cheers, MJ
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Re: whats with the hair?

Hi Jac, Well I could not have chemo/rad with my cancer as it doesnt work however I did shave all my hair "shave for a cure" BC. It is important to visit the hairdresser as soon as possible as you receive more than a style, massage, shampoo and treatment, it is an experience. I chose to go with a pixie cut while hair was growing back and hang on to your beanies as they are great for when you are "in between" styles..all best Julesx
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Super Contributor

Re: whats with the hair?

I didn't have chemo,none for my cancer ,but did have radiation. The radiation/oncologist told me I would have bald patches at the exit sites and it could take weeks and that it would grow back 3 months later. I lost no hair at all. I had asked about eyelashes and he'd said that eyelashes are strong,implying that nothing would happen to them. Half of them on the top and half on the bottom disappeared from the affected eye. About 8 months later they began to grow back. Another 10 months later they are still shorter than those for my other eye and the top ones look like they have been bleached a little ,instead of being brown. So now I put mascara on the 2 bottoms and on the one top set of lashes. They still look quite different as my 2 eyes are also different shapes thanks to surgery. Also thanks to surgery I lost half an eyebrow which won't grow back. That too, is a pain as I either pencil one on or powder it on ,neither very easily or well or I just don't bother.
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Re: whats with the hair?

Hi ya Silly, can you do tattoo brows these days.....i dont know how much though? and tinting (organic colours/no ammonia) are all around salons, stefans do a lovely brown.....Julesx
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